Sad News

Hi everyone, firstly I must thank you all for the prayers and well wishes that my family has received over the past couple of years.
My Father in Law, Bryce Passed away on Thursday evening. Paula and I take heart from the fact we were there with him and he was not in any pain.
Once again thank you for all the prayers.
All the best.
Mike and Paula Thomas

I am sorry to hear of your Father in Law’s passing. I lost my father 15 years ago and still miss him every day. Our prayers are still with you and Paula.


Condolences too you and your wife and your families. May your Father in Law rest in peace.


Sorry to hear of your loss. I will add him to my prayers tonight. Having family with Him and going without pain is indeed a blessing.

My Payers go out to all of you at this time of great loss.
Cherish the memories.
God Bless,

Sorry to hear of your loss. Take comfort in knowing he is now in a better place.

God Bless.

Hey Mike,
That is very sad news. Please give Paula a hug for us and know that you two are in our prayers. He is in paradise now. God Bless all of you and comfort your in your time of mourning.

Mike the Hearts of Texas are standing with yours Sir.

Mike, Our condolences to you and your family. That is sad news indeed. Our prayers will be with you and yours. Jim

Thank you guys, we do appreciate all your prayers and thoughts. we will have a service for Bryce this Friday at the Titirangi Returned Service Club, his cofin will be covered with the NZ flag and strewn with Poppies.
All the best.

Sorry to hear the news Mike. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care.
