Sad News

A few months ago, I asked all of you for prayers for my friend, Eric Schubert. Eric had been diagnosed with an advanced form of brain cancer that was inoperable. I just found out that he passed away last night. Eric truly touched and blessed everyone who he came into contact with. He was a man of faith, so I know that tonight, he’s in some part of Heaven where there’s a quiet trout stream, floating a line, looking down on all of us, smiling. Please pray that his family is comforted. As always, Best Regards…


I am very sorry for the loss of your friend but as you expressed, there is no more pain for him, only peace and happiness. My prayers are with those friends and loved ones left to endure the pain and sorrow of their loss.

Joel, thank you for your thoughts.

I am also very sorry for the lost of your friend, Eric is in a better place like you said looking down on all of us and floating a line in heaven. Our prayers are with his family and friends during this tough time.


You’ve got it Joel. Glad to hear both you and Eric are believers. It’s a bad day for us, and a good day for Eric. He is still alive. He just started his first day in eternity, with a smile on his face, and peace in his heart.
God Bless,

Very sad. Consider the prayers sent. Very sad indeed.

All his loved ones are in my prayers from here in Ohio.

amen to that!

My prayers and thoughts are with the ones that loved him and miss him.
He will live on in the hearts of the people that have had the privilige to know him, and as long as these people remember him, he will not be dead…

My thoughts are with you and his family.

  • Jeff