Rusty Gates article

I received my copy of Fly Fisherman magazine today and there is a fantastic article in it on Rusty Gates! Very well written by Josh Greenberg and some great pictures of Rusty. The title of the article is, “The Riverkeeper”. Great read…


Thanks, I’ll be sure to check it out. Hope to visit the Au Sable, where the dream started, for a group of folks who became - Trout Unlimited. Rusty carried on that dream!

Best regards, Dave S.

Dave, you could attend the Michigan Fish-In S It is held at Rusty’s Lodge right on the main stream. Just a suggestion S

I consider it very good fortune to have met the man early in my flyfishing. He told me where and how to catch my very first trout, a 13" Brookie from the Mason Tract of the south branch of the AuSable
