The thread " Attention Dog Owners With Friends!" brought this to mind:
Nice peaceful day. All of a sudden the quiet sounds of the water and nature are broken by some hip-hop ring tone of a cell phone. Person answering the phone is about 100 feet away and yet he procedes to have very loud and lengthly business conversation with caller.
I have two options, keep the cell phone away from the water and instead work inside in a cubicle or carry a cell phone and get some fishing in.
Guess which one I choose?
The only way you could tell I was carrying a phone is when I walked off stream and spoke in hushed tones.
It’s on vibrate and I know that yelling into it is no better than a regular tone of voice.
Loud, intrusive behavior of ANY kind is rude. It really doesn’t even matter where 90% or more of the time.
I carry my cell phone. It occasionally rings…probably 1 out of 20 times I go fishing. I usually let it go to voicemail and then get out of the water at my earliest convenience and check the voicemail. I might even return the call…usually it’s my wife telling me when she’ll be there, a friend who was supposed to meet me there, or a Project Healing Waters or FFF call I was expecting. Vibrate doesn’t work in my vest. I don’t feel it. And I know that screaming into a cell phone doesn’t improve reception with my digital Cingular/AT&T connection and good quality phone. I speak in normal conversational tones. People who yell into the phone annoy me when I’m on the other end, let alone when I’m sitting next to them in a restaurant. So I try not to do that.
So I’ll leave mine turned on, thanks. If that bothers you, I think it’s your problem. Seems like there are a lot of highly irritable sorts on the water these days who don’t anyone to behave in any way other than exactly how THEY do themselves. If someone is such a control freak that they can’t enjoy fly fishing without thinking everyone should behave as THEY think they should, then they need to spend some time on the counselor’s couch instead.
I agree that anything that bothers another fly fisherman is not good. It is hard to please everyone.
I always wear my cell phone as it is my only way to communicate with my customers when fishing. I have answered my phone and taken an order while fishing. (many times) Happened this past year while in the middle of the White in Arkansas. Customer was from SC. He would tell you I hooked a fish while talking with him. I hung up and at his urging called him back after I released it.
Being open to talking with my customers any time of the day or night is not rude in my thinking.
If you were standing 10 feet from me I am sure you could not hear my conversation. (if you can, you are being rude)
Cell phones are now a way of life. Get used to them.
Denny - quiet unintrusive conversation is an entirely different matter. Please re-read what I wrote.
Oh, and if someone is fishing and I’d want to exercise my dogs in the water, I’d go somewhere else. However, if I happen to be giving my dog exercise in a river and some flyfisher comes upon us to fish in said water, I suggest he(she) find another place to fish rather than become irate and bemoan that some trout were put down by our activity and that we ruined someone’s day.
Yeah, but you young whipper snappers wear your waders low on your hips and your hats sideways or backwards. So you’re all a bunch of hooligans! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Back when I was a kid, I had to walk 5 miles in the snow…uphill both ways…to go fishing and I was darned glad to have the opportunity! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, but you young whipper snappers wear your waders low on your hips and your hats sideways or backwards. So you’re all a bunch of hooligans! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Back when I was a kid, I had to walk 5 miles in the snow…uphill both ways…to go fishing and I was darned glad to have the opportunity! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]
SM…you lucky dog…I walked too and I hated the uphill both ways…snow must have been 5 ft deep too…used to tell my kids all that stuff …then we finally went to my home town and they saw it was barely 1 1/2 blocks on the flat…well the walking part was true
Mine stays turned off in the car. I check it when I leave. Besides, I get “lost” in my fishing & wouldn’t pay attention to the darned thing anyway! How can ya relax listening for a phone or checking your watch for time?
Where I live and where I usually fish, there is no cell phone coverage, period. Maybe if you climb that yonder mountain for about 1000 feet vertical, you might get a signal. The 3 watt analog bag phone with 4 foot yagi antenna at my house can sometimes get out–but analog service will be out the window very soon.
I agree with Denny et al-- DON’T disturb others chatting on your phone, move away so they can’t hear you, or cut the conversation short (I’ve seen Denny do all of the above–he depends on that phone for his hackle business).
BUT also, don’t rely only on that cell phone in an emergency! While big cities and main highways are well covered, many remote areas (especially in the west US) have no coverage at all. Get a phone that takes an external antenna (if they even make them anymore). You can still buy an electromagnetic antenna coupler for some phones, that helps too. My vehicle is decked out with antennas, cell and otherwise, since I’m a firefighter in a remote area…and still cell doesn’t work most of the time.
I like to be out in the nature environment to get some peace and listen to nature and its wonderful sounds.
Once told a guide that I worked in an area that was very stressful and high pressured and with phones and alarms going all shift, and I was trying to get away from all that, so if he didn’t turn his phone off (which was going constantly) he was going to get real wet fishing it out of deep water any minute soon. I didn’t pay good money to listen to that, or for him to be talking to other people.
If I am fishing with mates we usually negotiate because I hate for a phone to be going off near me, it drives me crazy. If there is a genuine need, yeah no worries. I carry mine for safety but turned off, and I can take a break and check for a message any time I like. A little while ago a guy fishing with me asked if he could leave his on because his mum was going into hospital and he said she could ring him, well no worries of course, that is a different matter.
If it is just a matter of you wanting to have it on and yabbering to your mates, then I think it is inconsiderate of others, rude and inappropriate, so please go somewhere else I will stick it somewhere it isn’t meant to be kept!
Actually, our philosophies on cell phones while fishing are about the same Gringo. And I generally DO turn mine off if I am not expecting an important call (like my wife who is showing up after work or to pick me up somewhere or someone whom I am supposed to meet on the river that day and we arranged to call upon arrival). In any event, my calls while fishing are always very short. And I’ve never had more than 2 in a single day of fishing. That happened once. It was my younger brother both times…a truck driver from TX who was pulling into the town where I was fishing that day and we were gonna meet up that evening. He called to confirm ETA, and then called back to change it by an hour or so. But the folks who just walk around having nonsense communications with their friends and family that are obviously unimportant…you overhear stuff like “I’d wear the blue shoes with that if it was me” or “have you seen the new Toyota? I saw a red one today at the mall and it was really nice. I think I might need a new car”…mildly annoy me EVERYWHERE in public. But if I am paying someone to do something for/with ME and they try that, it is downright insulting. If I’m fishing with someone who does it repeatedly, that’s just rude and we won’t be fishing together again. But I am no prohibitionist. There’s a time and a place for everything…including taking a phone call while fishing. Problem seems to be more and more folks who cannot tell the proper times and places for things.
This applies more to people that use their cell phones to recreational talk;
I’m RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!!! I’ve always wanted to know what the inner workings look like in a cell phone and I’m TEMPTED TO TAKE YOUR’S APART UNDER MY SHOE!!!
ALSO! You have 10-20 minutes for lunch with a friend or one of your kids, DON’T ANSWER THE STUPID PHONE DURING LUNCH BECAUSE IT IS R U D E!!!
End Of Rant.
Your’e dead right my friend… I hope I don’t sound like an old grump here, I have no problem with someone having a couple of calls or having a phone on because they need to for some reason.
My aversion is partly due to my work and a phone gives me an adrenaline rush when I am trying to relax and enjoy a beautiful environment, and partly just because I think its rude.
My mates know me and sometimes turn theirs off, or tell me it is on for such and such a reason; no big deal.
If I am paying you to guide me, then I bought your time, so turn it off thanks. I’m glad you feel the same! (Beginning to wonder about myself LOL)
Cell phones are a fact of modern life. I carry one at all times and it is usually turned on. I need it for my work and they expect me to be available 24/7. Fortunately a lot of the places I fish the thing doesn?t work. I don?t particularly like having a cell phone. Honestly my phone irritates the hell out of me when it rings, probably a lot more then it does anyone else because I know it is likely work related and sometimes requires me to leave my fishing.
The way I look at these things anymore is my life has enough stress in it that is beyond my control to get upset over some jackass with a cell phone. I have come to the point that I know there are jerks around every corner and if I were to let them get under my skin every time I see or hear one I likely would be in jail. If some jerk is talking on his phone while I am fishing I move away if possible or do my best to ignore them. It is just not worth it to me to be upset or be disturbed by another?s behavior. If the jerk is fishing with me, it will be the last time.
At least half a dozen businesses I frequent in Loveland CO have signs posted at the checkout – “No cell phones while in the checkout line.” And last week I witnessed someone chatting on the phone about baseball scores in front of me in line. The clerk at the liquor store told him to please hang up, and pointed to the sign. The guy got extremely upset, and said “well, a*****e, then I’ll go buy my beer somewhere else!” ANd the clerk said, “Good! Bye now.”