Ross Reels discontinued

I’ve heard Ross is discontinuing the Cimeron and the Rhythm series of reels for 2009.

Can’t say I’ve ever used the Cimeron, but the Rhythm is a nice reel. I own two of them. The second one I got on close out pricing which is a heck of a great deal.

Anyone know what is going to replace these two in their lineup?

The Rhythm is going to be hard to beat for the price.


The Cimmaron has always been a good, value priced reel. You actually got a lot for your money. When they dropped the Gunnison, the Cimarron was left as the only original model from when Ross reel became popular. The Rythym was a good seller as far as I’m aware. I wonder why they’re getting rid of that one (the economy?)?

Too bad they’re getting rid of the Cimarron. Maybe I can get some spare spools for mine on the cheap now. I’m not too terribly surprised though, now with all the imports that are comparably priced and more ‘nicely’ equipped (note I didn’t mention quality).

I was talking to a local fly shop manager about this just last night. I have 3 Rhythm’s, and love them. The only thing the shop manager could figure out is the Rhythm is so similar to the Evolution. I think this is a mistake – an Evolution quality reel for about $70.00 cheaper. Supposedly, there will be two new USA made reels coming out next year.

The Cimarron has been a great product for a long time. I have had some for more than a dozen years and have had no problems. They have often been overlooked as light saltwater reels and are sufficient for bonefish, stripers, bonito, basses, an other SW fish. I may pick up a couple more at closeout prices.

Note that these two reels are their value priced American made reels. I have a Gunnison which is a Cimmaron of an older age. I can’t count how many steel head and night time browns I have landed with that reel over the years. Never used it on salt though. It didn’t hold enough backing.

I also have an Evolution which is a Rhythm with a bunch more lightening holes and a heavier price tag. Excellent reel and one of my favorites. I am assuming the Rhythm was just as good - just a little heavier and somewhat less expensive.

I hope this is not an indication that Ross is going off shore with all their value priced merchandise. That would bother me. But then I still buy American cars too. Maybe I have outlived my ideals.


I can see where the Rhythm may have taken sales from the Evolution. I have 2 Rhythms and other than about 1/2 oz of weight, there’s not a lot of difference.

I really do like the two I have.


i would continue to buy ross reels wherever theyre made. offshore does not equal poor quality. ross reels management would not allow it.

Adding or dropping products from the line is almost always about the sales numbers and consumer preferences. In some instances, it has to do with availability of materials and ability to produce.

The Rhythm is up against a bunch of large arbor reels that are virtually look-alikes and in the same price range. Perhaps it was time to make changes to set it apart. Keep in mind that Ross has a Cimarron Large Arbor (CLA) and it overlaps the Rhythm in size and price point, but Rhythm supposedly had a better drag at those price points. I am surprised that overlap existed. It will be interesting to see exactly what they are cutting to streamline the product line.

I’d like to see the Gunnison come back, it has a little better components that the Cimarron and sold at a higher price point. The Cimarron is a pretty common But the Gunnison was cut in the first instance because sales trended toward large arbor reels, especially in those price points. One could buy a Gunnison to meet whatever size/backing requirements he has and never need any other reel.

What is the overall trend in sales? Are reel sales falling in the aggregate?

It’s just like cars, sometimes you bring out a new model just to freshen things up. If you want to do that without expanding your manufacturing facilities, you have to let something else go. Nothing wrong with either reel, so it will be interesting to see the replacements.

Has anyone called Ross to ask THEM what is happening in 2009?

I remember the wild Internet rumors regarding the Hardy Classic line a few years back. I contacted Hardy UK and got the real scoop.

I received a Cimarron 3 in the mail today. It is the platinum color. Cost was $99.95.

I bought a platinum Cimarron 2 from Cabelas several years ago when Ross discontinued the color. I’ve always liked that reel.

I was fishing my Evolution 1.5 today. Every time I use an Evolution I have to stop and admire how smooth they are. Ross did a good job on that series. At one point in time I considered buying a Rhythm because I had heard they were a good reel. But the price wasn’t that much less than an Evolution and I already had an Evolution and really liked it, so I bought another Evolution instead of the Rhythm.

My story is the same as yours except it went the other way. I already had a Rhythm that I liked a lot and didn’t see enough difference between the Evo and Rhythm to spend the extra money so I bought another Rhythm.

They went on closeout about 2 weeks after I bought the thing so I contacted Cabelas and they refunded the difference with no hesitation or questions. That’s pretty good customer service.


If I had bought the Rhythm first I probably would have felt the same way. Ross makes some pretty fine reels. Even though I fish Abel and Hardy and other fine reels too, I still smile when I pick up a Ross reel because they were some of my first reels and they are so smooth.