rod smith finish mixer

I bought one of these for $25 from acid Never used one before and they professed to mix the finish without any bubbles. I thought sure what ever. I have been having so many problems with bubbles with the high build finish I had given up hope. Well I put 3cc of both in the cup with the little metal thing to mix with and turned it on for 5 min. once in awhile I would scrap it down with my 1/4 inch spatula. finished mixing and I poured it into a aluminum pan I had made and immediately started to apply the finish. no bubbles. smooth finsh. tacky in 3 hours at 70 degrees. This is the best $25 I have spent for anything in tools for the rod building. If you have ever thought about getting one do so. They are awesome. I have also asked acidrod to contact JC about being a sponser here.