Where’s the Beef?
As anglers of the Rocky we are exclaiming, “Where’s the FISH?!” Conditions on the river seem to be fantastic, with one small problem…someone forgot to tell the fish. Steelhead fishing has been hit or miss; more miss than hit. Oh, they’re there just not as many as we have been used to in the past, especially at this time of year.
I did a bit of research before posting:
Last year the river was higher for a longer period of time. Though it did rain yesterday, 3/25, it was only the second significant rain fall in the past 28 days. Yesterday’s rain did nothing to change conditions of the river. The forcast going forward shows a couple of chances for rain, but nothing like last years all day rains that would cause a couple of days of settling before anglers could venture out.
The Silver lining:
Fish are being caught on the river, though some habits need to be broken. First, you’ll need to be willing to do a bit of hiking. Normal spots are being over fished. So head down stream and look for the deeper pools and holding eddies. There is 10 miles of river from Lake to Falls, go exploring. Earlier this week Sean & I found a nice long pool, with fish, that I’m sure we will visit again in the future; and frankly it was only five more minutes of walking from where we normally wade in. Second, be willing to change up your offering. Because of over fishing the Steelies seem to be saying, “Been there, done that, got the trophy and T-shirt.” So try some different colors different types and smaller offerings.
The river is up and flowing nicely, though both are on a slow decline. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/oh/nwis/uv?04201500 This past Sunday’s snowfall did little to change conditions except for the recent jump in flow and height.
According to the local weather gurus we should expect rain this evening into tomorrow morning and then again Friday. Hopefully, having two rain events this close to each other will cause a run. To date, for the month of March, we have only had one inch of measureable percipitation compared to 30 inches last year.
Talking with some anglers up at the marina there are some steelies to be had it’s just a matter of finding them. “One would think they’d be holding waiting for a decent rain.” said a local fisher. As if on cue, to disprove his point, an angler landed a nice looking 20" buck. After a round of thumbs up congratulations my new found acquaintance remarked, “Well…maybe they’re waiting for the water temp to rise.”
Hey Jimmy…After talking to your brother last night, I am waiting to hear from him…OR you that the rains came & the steelies are moving up. I’m ready, the 6 wt’s ready…just waiting for the call, but it has to be Sunday if it’s this weekend…Communion duty Saturday at 4:30!
Hope to see you Sunday.
A good steady rain last night and part of the day but the water temperature dropped. Word at the mouth from boats going out; a lot of steelhead and suckers are holding.
Few of the guides stated fish through out the system and the fishing is great.