Rick Z's Daily Quotes

Having reviewed the normal "Views’ of Rick’s Quotes vs. mine I see I have reduced the popularity some 50%! I just hope I didn’t lower the ratings so far that Rick won’t let me visit and fish with him sometime!!
But, it was fun!! And I’ll do it again! :smiley:
The Quotes, by the way, came from Victoria Houston’s “Loon Lake Mystery Series”, she starts each chapter with one. Good reading!
Rick, you are one hard act to follow!! :smiley:


I’ve enjoyed your quotes and noticed you’ve had more responses on them than I’ve seen in a while. I’m trying to figure out whether it was because there was mention of whiskey in one, or something else.

Regardless, thanks for your contributions to the FAOL community.


You could be right!!
Thanks for the kind words too.

I have viewed the quotes and they are great, Jack, but while you are filling in here on FAOL for Rick, I’m trying to fill in for Rick on Gary Miller’s old Yahoo warm water angler group list board (the one that’s been around before FAOL even had a Warm Water Forum and where a lot of us came from). Yours are probably better than mine :). I’m glad tomorrow is the last day as I’m also running out of quotes without digging up more fishing books from storage. So I’m stuck with Dick Stewart, Jack Ellis, Gee&Sias, and the new FWC Freshwater Regulations Manual for the time being. Be thankful that FAOL is not bouncing your posts :). I have always had a deep respect and appreciation for what Rick does for us here on FAOL and the old list board.

Thanks for doing the quotes.
If anyone finds a good quote please send it to me.
