No, I?m not talking about a punk rock band. It?s that condition during late January that my sweet husband has come to, on his days off, walking from window to window, looking out at the snow and muttering under his breath or flopping down in his chair and examining his eyelids from the insides. He?s deliriously happy when the mail comes; bringing little poufy packages filled with fluffy hooky things.
Rick, this article cracked me up! I know my wife can absolutely relate…
That’s such a cool name/title…you really SHOULD start a punk rock band, just to USE that!
“Rick Z and the Shack Nasties”
I can see it now…Rick plays the strings he’s affixed to a canoe paddle. The 'Nasties are playing “rubber band” music by varying the tension of their strung-up fly rods… Somebody’s keeping time by tapping sticks on the lid to a fish basket…
Or hey…write a book!
With this amount of sympathy I want your wives to write an article.