Rick Kustich speaking...

Author, flytyer, and steelhead fisherman Rick Kustich will giving a steelhead seminar Wednesday 4 March 2009. This event is going to be at the Glen Loch Restaurant in Jamesville, NY (near Syracuse). This is being given by the Iroquois Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Program starts at 7 p.m. with a short chapter business meeting and then our guest speaker. There will be books and DVD’s for sale as well as a 50/50 raffle. Also a fly tied by Rick will be raffled off to benefit Casting for Recovery. This event is open to the public so all are welcome.

I’m just wondering if Rick is related to Jerry Kustich.


If I remember a bar room chat correctly, they are brothers.

yes they are brothers. i just visited jerry sunday. and picked up ricks new book
can’t wait to read it.

Well I’ll be…ok, thanks…


Yep, they are brothers and native Western New Yorkers.
Jerry was back for a visit in November of 2007 and I had the pleasure of meeting him on the Lower Niagara River. We were walking in opposite directions on a trail above the river and I asked him how the fishing was. He took the time to give me some pointers and encouraging words. I introduced myself to him and when he told me his name I recognized his name as an author, but at the time didn’t know he was one of the Bamboo rod crafters at Winston (actually it was just after they parted ways). Anyway I got his book “At the Rivers Edge; Lessons Learned in a Life of Fly Fishing,” for Christmas that year. I highly recommend that book to all who enjoy a good fishing story and other of lifes experiences. He’s an excellent writer. It’s the kind of book that will make feel like you know him as a friend after reading it.