Rhode Island this weekend--October 5-7

Will be in Narragansett this weekend. Any information regarding shore angling would be appreciated. any specific patterns for this time of year? Any location help would be greatly enjoyed.



Howdy neighbor, well almost I’m from Northfield. But more to the point, there are lots of fish moving along the shoreline these days. Finding flies that will imitate Menhaden (Peanut Bunker) is a good bet. Also a good supply of Clousers and Deceivers. If you tie them don’t make them too slight, but fatter is a little better.

As for the where, I would look to the points of land first choice, then any inlets or pockets that might serve as a place for bait fish to congregate.

I am also out that way this weekend, sailing from Dartmouth area over to the Vineyard.

Best sites I know of for finding up to date information are
www.reel-time.com and www.flyfishsaltwaters.com they both concentrate on saltwater and New England.

Good luck and leave some fish for me LOL


As for one fly to imitate the small menhaden try the minnow pattern from the last “fly of the week” on this site. I saw that and immediately thought of the small menhaden. The fly works having caught many large bluefish and several stripers which were folowing the schools of blues picking up the injured baitfish. I made one change to the pattern however because I didn’t have the body materia called for. I substituted polar chenille in silver or pearl. Hope this helps. Ron

The best Rhode Island information I’ve seen can be found at Ken Abrams site, Striper Moon.


Nick (Micropteris) lives in Narragansett
Hopefully he’ll see this in time to chime in


I live in RI and have been fishing Narragansett town beach for the last couple of weeks. You can park right at the town beach parking lot. Fish right from the beach or wade in up to your waist. The water is still warm enough to wet wade. I wear waders but it’s not necessary. It’s supposed to be around 80 degress this weekend so the weather will be plenty warm enough if you do get wet. I have been using decievers and flatwings. The patterns are on the StriperMoon sight. You should also read the article ‘Waves on Sand: Traditional Surf Fishing Techniques for the Fly Rodder’ in the article archive section. Ken specifically talks about fishing Narrangansett town beach. Let me know how you make out.