Rhode Island Fly Fishing

I am going to RI. in August and am looking for areas to fish. I will staying near Misquamicut State Beach.


The beaches, ponds, points, and breachways wading or from kayaks or power boats, it’s all great fishing in that area. :stuck_out_tongue: Let us know how you are planing to fish and I can be more specific.

Get a nautical chart of the area, great info there.


The area around Watchhill can be excellent. Nappatree Point, Watchhill Light, Little Naragansett Bay
Headed east, at the east end of Misquamicut there is a public fishing area at Weekapaug Breachway. It can stack up with surf casters here, but the little tunny (albies) often come within fly casting distance on the rising tide. So it’s worth the look.
A short walk to the east there is a rocky area worth trying and then comes Fire District beach.
Quonochontaug Breachway is the next area going east.
There is a boat launch and public fishing area there also. Quonnie Pond is very popular with wading fly fishers, and a good spot for the salt novice.
East of Quonnie is East Beach and Ninigret Pond.
These are all within a few minute drive of Misquamicut and will keep you plenty busy :smiley:

When in August? Your most likely quarry will be bluefish. Albies and Bonito usually show up near the end of the month and the stripers will be offshore in deeper water for the most part unless you plan on fishing at night. The fishing will generally be better near the end of the month. But this all will depend on the weather, so who knows.

plan on fishing at night… i go to rhode island three or four times every summer and i do 99.7% of my fishing at night…

Here is a great link to Nautical Charts.


You can find where you will be and look for structure, depth changes, channels etc.

Add this link for Topo maps


and you’ve got a good idea of what you might be looking at.



Hate to oversimplify this one, but you are staying close to Mecca for striper fisherman. Find any water near you and cast a Ray’s fly in that general direction. Something will inevitably eat it. (Caveat - August may be slow compared to other months - but you should still find fish.)

You may want to troll around (so to speak) www.stripermoon.com. Lots of info on this general area.


bring korkers if you are wading. most of the areas and spots mentioned are “boney” or rocky and korkers are a must.

fish very in the dark and keep fishing until sunrise. there is a pretty reliable bit during false dawn that time of year, but it shuts down quickly.