Reverse Blind Splice Sharkskin?

So I stripped the coating off the back end of a new sharkskin line with some solvent. The braided core seems to be too tightly wound to reverse blind splice because I can’t even get a needle through it. So I just tied a blood knot between the backing and the core of the line. Bad move? Is there a better knot for this? I don’t like the Albright knot. Just wondering if anyone managed to get a blind splice into that core, I bet it would hold great if you could just thread the piano wire through there.

Well, I don’t know the first thing about Sharkskin lines, and unless one falls out of the sky , I’m not likely to soon.
I can comment about Albright knots
After completing the Albright portion, I always ‘lock’ it with a Uni-knot
Kind of an ‘improved’ Albright…never slips

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I wonder how long it would take to get someone on the phone who could answer my question? I also wonder what the good people sitting in a cubicle somewhere think about blood knotting two similar diameters of braided dacron together. They probably don’t think about that kind of stuff as much as the people who post on these kinds of forums but thanks for their contact information anyway.


The fly line guru at 3M is/was Bruce Richards who is/was based at 3M Sports & Lesiure in Michigan.

I have these contact numbers for that office:


Good luck!

Instead of stripping the outside, try splicing the backing right into the fly line like you would a leader. If that doesn’t work, tie a nail knot to the flyline with the backing and coat the knot with a small football of loon knot sense. Never had a knot coated with that stuff get stuck in a guide, great stuff.

Flyrodde …
Pliobond is better. I have had Loons Knot Sense peel off after some time.
Pliobond will hold seemingly forever.