retirement present

I could not resist showing this picture off. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law got this for me for a retirement present. I caught this trout in the White River in December of 06. This mount was a great gift from them. … ash065.jpg

What a wonderful gift AND fish - I hope you enjoy your retirement with many more just like that one (or larger!)

Beautiful piece, Kudo’s to the taxidermist.

What a wonderful present! I hope you have a great retirement!

WOW! That is gorgeous!

That’s a nice job, it does the fish justice.

Great fish, beautiful gift and congrats on your retirement :slight_smile:

That’s a beautiful table top mount. BTW, congrats on your retirement.

(hijacking thread) Mike, still enjoying the fudge! Thanks again. :smiley:

Thanks JC, but that IS a beautiful mount…right?