Well the day finally came. My original danvise which i’ve been tying on for close to 8 years now broke while on a business trip in my bag so i’ve been researching vices. The Renzetti 2000 caught my eye and I’m wondering if anyone uses this vice and would recommend it.
Yes, I’ve used it, use it and will use it…
This vise is with me now for almost 3 years, and I’ve tied over 10.000 flies on it; the jaws are still as good as when I bought the vise.
Ive used it fr salmon and seatroot flies, saltwaterflies (TMC811 S) up to size 2/0, and for size 32, all without a problem.
So yes, I can and will recommend it!!!
Hope this helps,
I also have one and have been using it for over 4 years now. I have tyed few thousand flies on it and it is still like new. Not a single problem whatsoever! I normally tye small flies for trout -#14 to #28 - with the regular jaws. I also tye some bug criatures on the same jaws, up to 1/0 hook size and never had a problem there either.
I would certainly recomend it since I’m a happy camper with it.
What about the traveler series?
The traveler is obviously lighter than the presentation, hence the word traveler.
It’s also somewhat more simple and smaller, but what’s most important:
The quality of the jaws is similar to the jaws in the presentation.
Can also recommend this one.
Cheers, Hans
For what it’s worth 2 years ago about the time my obsession with size 24 and smaller started I got a Large Profit Sharing check at work, and even with the extension I was having problems tying with my “Danvise” so I decided to head down to my “Local” shop,
(an hour away) and spent about 3 hours "Playing with a pkg. of "Daiichi 1110 sz26 and every vise they had at “Lunkers” from a "Thompson to Pettijean(?) tried the Renizettis the Dyna-Kings, Peaks,and what have you.
I found for me anyhoo the one that worked best was the Anvil Atlas, unless I wanted to spend the extra bucks and buy Midge jaws. It’s a little “Klunky” but you have a lot of room behind the jaws.
I’m Not trying to influence Your Choice but the Best thing You can do is Take some hook’s or buy them there and go to a Fly shop and Play with the Vise’s and see what works best for You.
As with all opinion’s Your mileage may vary:rolleyes:
I hare the renzetti traveler with the c clamp i use it on small # 20 hooks up to 3/0 hooks for my deer hair bass poppers and i love it
Thanks for the replies guys. I do a lot of traveling w/ work so I think i’m going to be getting the traveler most likely. Speaking of work last night was very productive…a dozen FBPT, dozen olive GBHE, dozen wolly buggers all made on my employers dime.
That’s obviously the way to do this…
Same here, I tie most of my flies when on call for the trauma-team…
Cheers, Hans
My husband has the Traveler, and the only thing I would recommend is to get a few extra “O” rings from the hardware store and carry them with you. After a few thousand flies the ring snaps … making them totally worthless for tying the remaining flies you need for the trip!! Otherwise :rolleyes: you’ll love it!!
I received a traveller for Christmas 2007 and absolutely love it. It has brought an entire new level of joy to fly tying.
Betty’s advise is spot on, but I’d take it one step further. If you tie a lot, make sure you pick up a spare parts kit from Renzetti for you vise, whatever model you get. The Traveler is a good vise but parts have a tendency to snap off so be prepared with replacements.