My original Danvise broke after 8 years of faithful service and my parents want to get me the Renzetti Presentation 2000 vise for my birthday. Is this vice good or should I ask for something different? Have never tied on a Renzetti so just wondering if people like theirs. Thanks.
Just my humble opinion, I don’t think you can buy a better vise. I’ve own the presentatin 4000 for 5yrs and have not found it lacking in any detail. I also own a Regal and it has its place mostly for spinning deer hair and saltwater apps. Every tyer is different but I sure enjoy mine.
I received a presentation 2000 5yrs ago for fathers day, I LOVE it and would highly recommend it. The only problem I have had with it is that I broke the jaws trying to tie too many stainless hooks in it, and it was 100% my fault to try and tie on a hook that big on that vise. I called Renzetti and they shipped a set of jaws to me no questions asked and then called a week later to make sure I received them and that they were alright. I decided to go ahead and order the larger jaws for it then so I did nt have that problem in the future but as of yet I have not tried to tie on any 4/0 hooks so I’m still using the standard jaws. I have tied down to 22 with no issues of hooks movement and with just a little tweak can go straight onto an 8. The base that comes with the table top model is great and super heavy, the only vise I have ever had that will not walk when I am working on bigger flies. GET THE VISE.
It’s the vise that I use the most. It’s definitely a very good vise, whether it’s the vise that best suits your needs depends on what those needs are. The downside to me is that there’s really no good place to rest my left hand, and that if you’re using a material clip, it’s got to be pretty far away from the hook. Those are real nits; you’d have to spend hundred more to get a better vise.
How doe’s the 720 Vise stack up against the Renzetti 2000.
Check out (How It Works, at top of web page)
The Presentation 2000 is an excellent vise! Can’t go wrong there for a lifetime vise. I will make one suggestion though, and one that I make to every person in the hunt for a vise. If you have not tried one yet…sit down at a desk and tie 2-3 of your favorite patterns with a Regal vise. Then make up your mind. not because the Regal is built any better or a better quality vise. But I have known many folks who have a high end vise, then tie with the Regal, and just HAVE to have one. Based on the jaw mechanism alone. So if you have not tried it yet…I would recommend it…than buy the vise you like the best.
I finally treated myself to a Renzetti Traveler after more than 50 years of fly tying. It’s a very pleasant vise to work with. You will definitely like the Presentation version. BTW, you certainly do have very nice parents. 8T
Thats why I have both of them.hehe
A good friend of mine just did the same thing:^) You either love them or hate them it seems.
Thanks for the replies. I think my dad already went and got one. Eight Thumbs I think they are just giving back after getting them a $600 computer for Christmas.
Seems that this thread has served it’s purpose so I’ll mention that the 720 mentioned by Tony seems interesting and will ask if anyone has used it?
You bought them a new computer for Christmas? Wow, what a nice family you guys are. My family was dysfunctional.
You probably have the vise you need. But I have a Presentation 3000 I would part with. Not cam lock, so wonder why it is a $100 higher in retail cost? I just purchased the optional knurled knob for turning it, instead of the handle. Just bought the knob for test. I have not ever tied on the vise. Getting along quite nicely with my Montana Mongoose. It is the first model they came out with. I didn’t like the stick for turning the vise, so Buddy Sanders modified it for me and put a 4" wheel on it with a free wheeling handle…like a fly reel actually. Love it. This is before they came out with a turning handle you can now buy. I was going to drill a hole in a piece of dowl and mount it on the stick handle. But Buddy went one better. In fact lots better. Thank you again Mr. Buddy Sanders.
Hey Gemrod needed to give back for living w/ them rent free at the age of 25. I’m still gone 10 months out of the year working full time on offshore and inshore drilling rigs but it really helps me save money when I don’t have to get my own place, hence the nice Christmas present.
I really like mine as well. Only thing I would change about it is the have a material spring.
Find a spot that will work…if possible. And glue a strong magnet on the rotating part. I have to go look at the vise to see where might be possible. Meanwhile…I use a washer, cut off a half inch of a new pencil and glue into the washer. Makes it a handle to grab. Works terrific on three of my vises.
My thanks to Bugman for that trick.
I like it so well, I eventually took the material spring off my Montana Mongoose. Even though there was enough room for both.