Remember this little feller?

And the indignity his father put him through when he put that uniform on him?
Well, here he is in a different uniform, wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
They still live in Tennessee, where the Hise-man can cast his evil influences upon him. Hey Jack! Turn him into a fisherman, and send him west.<a href=“” target=“_blank”><img src=“” border=“0” alt=“Photobucket”></a>


Hey, now that youngun is about as cute as a whistle and I ain’t never seen one, but, I just know he is! The twinkle in his eyes tells me he is ready for you to bring him to Tullahoma, TN., so Jack and I can spoil him and turn him into a Tennessee Fly Fisherman!:wink:

He is just plain beautiful! You have to be proud!