How does registering work? I filled in some info in the past. Occasionally I go to register. It will say you are already registered. Does this mean I am automatically registered for the drawing every month? Or does one still need to click and register during a month to be registered?
I guess I thought you had to log-in to the BB each month to be registered. Or is that the old way? It seems like I remember that it changed when we got the new BB.
Is that whining I hear?:rolleyes: I’m reminded of one of my dear mother’s favorite sayings when us kids didn’t like the rules, and “wished” they would be changed in our favor; Wish in one hand.…
Hmmmmmmmmm, gee, Joe… if you only wish in ONE hand, then what POSSIBLY could one DO, with the other hand?
Not to say “HI!” to Jack, on this thread though… wouldn’t it be FUN to maybe… "hold a drawing, for a rod, or reel, etc. BUT limit it to only “The Friends Of FAOL”!? (Of course, the “special friends” as well).
Give every one that wishes to, the next.............. 30 days to sign up, as a "Friend of FAOL", then put all the "friend's names", into a hat and draw!?!
Also, there are now, over 8,000 “signed up members”, but the MOST that’s ever been on line, at any one time is less than 200. In fact, skimming the BB, it’s apparent that less than 300, really, truly, seem to contribute and support this site on a regular basis at best.
Not, “whining”, but it sure cuts down the odds, when so many, obviously sign up for this fine site, then are never heard from again, but have an equal chance in the site’s monthly drawing!? Just ask’in!?!
Besides Joe, I suspect even JC would admit that “the rules” as you put it… being done now have been forced on him by the change over…not the ones we used to have. If I remember correctly he said it would only be temporary:roll:
"Also, there are now, over 8,000 “signed up members”, but the MOST that’s ever been on line, at any one time is less than 200. In fact, skimming the BB, it’s apparent that less than 300, really, truly, seem to contribute and support this site on a regular basis at best. "
There are many who come into the chat room that aren’t comfortable posting, others like my son lurk and read the posts but don’t post or chat but truly enjoy the board. I wouldn’t eliminate them.
If you are coming to this site on a regular basis in whatever way you would be here to register on a monthly basis.
I think it sucks if someone registered some years/months ago and doesn’t “participate”…gets an email…guess what… you won…they may have even forgotten what FAOL stands for…
Hexx, it’s not about winning…it just seems fair & logical:roll::roll::roll:
and yes, it is JC & LF’s call…but I do think they got forced into the current situation:(
Ducksterman I believe the board was pruned of inactive members when the new bulletin board was put in. Current members either post at least occasionally or went to the trouble of re-registering then. A lot people prefer to be lurkers or read the main page without becoming active here for whatever reason but they are still important to the sponsors who want to reach more than the three hundred or so active board members.
We are going back to the tickets as soon as we can. This is/was only temp. The new server etc. made this part a very large job. Sorry it has taken so long; doing the best we can.
Hey folks…bottom line is, no matter WHAT the odds, there is a monthly chance to win something VERY nice! That’s a good thing, isn’t it?
Reading the replies, maybe until the “tickets” come back, they should quit emailing & just “post” something like “6/08 winner(s)” on Sound Off after the drawing & give the 3 days to reply either to the post, or by emailing JC & LF. That way, only the folks who follow the board would see it. Just a thought.
rainbow…your point is valid and I think we are in agreement…to restate my point …it wouldn’t matter …lurker…or whatever…they are at least “participating” and would be available to sign up for the drawing.