Reel Suggestions...

Hey, I just recently got a New Greys GRXi 8’6" 5Wt. Now the decision is what to get for a reel. I really like the Classic Salmon style with the S Handle. I was shopping around online and seen one of the Classic Trout reels from Highland Mills Rod Co. They are a Bamboo Rod co. with their own line of reels. Theres the specs for the reel:
3 inch
5 7/8 oz
5 or 6 Wt. Lines

Now I do really like the reel but I’m open to suggestions of what to get. The thing is my price range is no more than $350. I would prefer Click Pawl style but doesn’t have to be so still tell me what your thinking. I wouldn’t be buying anything until March so no rush. Not sure if this is in the right place to post. Also it does NOT have to be a classic style I’m open to anything.

Thanks in advance,


This is my all time favorite reel. Hook & Hackle is a sponsor, and you’ll get the best deal on this from them - a win/win situation for sure!

You might want to try THESE guys. They are within you budget, and they also happen to be sponsors of our website.

Hey HA your link you post didn’t work for me… Yeah thats a nice reel but I would prefer to keep it as low as I can but definietly a posibility.


The link worked earlier today.:confused:

It was for a Hardy LRH Lightweight at Hook & Hackle. They’re working on their website, so that might explain the problem. The price listed for the LRH was $299 - whether this will change or not, I have no idea. That reel would be sweet on your new Grey’s rod!

Since you’re not in a hurry anyway, you might want to check into this when H&H’s site is back up to speed…

BTW - The link works again for me now. Notice the weight of this reel!

I will 2nd the Hardy LRH Lightweight.Ive had one for about 25 years and they are sweet.Very simple design,sweet sound and it will last you for a long time and look good on any rod.

The link works now. Must have been my connection issues. Looks like a good posibility.

Thanks, Nic

Hi nic,

Check your personal messages.
