I see your name in bold red type on the Who Is Online. Does this mean you are up and running once again? Sure hope so. We missed you around here.
I see your name in bold red type on the Who Is Online. Does this mean you are up and running once again? Sure hope so. We missed you around here.
I does, he is and we agree. Welcome back!
This is my gift to you!, on this momentous occassion.
Yessiree Bob, or Fred and Ethel, I have sitting in front of me a brand new Dell with a dual core processor, 2 Gigs of Sdram and other nifty computer jargon that I don’t understand either, with a 19 inch flat panel monitor all hooked up to my broadband cable. This thing flat screams!!
The old reliable Compaq that served well for over 8 years, only being turned off one day every 6 months when it was cleaned (very dusty here) and when we went to fish-ins. No complaints, more than got my moneys worth.
In addition to the new puter the room that houses said puter is also now air conditioned and purified thanks to my brilliantly installed window unit.
There’s no stoppin me now!!
Thanks for the welcome back, folks. Brought a tear to my eye it did.
make shure you run virus scan and spy were on dell they put load in start up.
and virus spywere checker is temperary and expires.
sound like a rocket dell nice one