I was at cabelas tonight and seen that they had their redington rs3 flyrods on sale. I had heard that they are made by the same company that makes sage. However I have never used one. So I thought I should ask here to see if anyone has any experience with them.
Thank you _Duane
R.I.P. Fly
Sage bought Redington, a while ago, in 2003. Don?t know how that may have affected any design changes in the Red rods since then though, but there?s an RS-4 series out now, so maybe the RS-3 are being discontinued.
For comparison purposes, the new RS-4?s list at $210 for 2 pc and $250 for the 4-pc. and have a fast action. I think the RS-3 had a fast action too, so I don’t know what the difference is in terms of X% technology/design vs Y% marketing.
I was just reading about the rs4. From the sounds of it there isnt much if any difference from it and the rs3. Maybe I’ll pick one up tomarow. Cabelas has the rs3 for 129.99 for the 4wt I was drolling over.
Get it! I have a Wayfarer which I think is a good rod. See if they’ll let you cast it, they’re fast action. I wish I had picked up another when they went on sale.
Yep, I just saw the rs3s on sale in Cabela’s 2007 Fly Fishing catalog that I received the other week. It is in a supplemental insert. As I don’t fly much the 2pc as opposed to the 4 is on sale for $99. That is a pretty good sale price! I have been wanting to try saltwater FFing, but wanted to start at a modest amount as it wouldn’t be my primary fishing by any means. In Jersey waters the 9wgt is a real good all around choice and can handle most situations I would be in. Hummm…Maybe time to pick up the phone!
Bob :lol:
I just saw the 7’-6" RS37642 4 wt for $99.00 at Cabelas. I’ve been wanting a 4 wt for a while now…this might be my chance…$99 is a great price…now I have to buy a smaller reel…new line…I fish mostly a 5wt now…oh the decisions we all have to make :)…just placed my order
I just picked up a 4wt yesterday. Great rod… cast quit well compaired to my three forks 5wt. I’m loving it, will problebly get another in a different wt.
Try the Temple Fork 3wt you will love it.
Just got finished breaking my 2nd Cabela’s Willow Creek fly rod. I’m gonna have them replace it with one of those Redingtons this time.