Red Convertibles & other mid-life crisis toys

I saw mention in another thread of JC’s red convertible.

I thought I’d start a mid-winter thread about our mid-life crisis toys.

so post 'em if you got 'em.

My wife once said that mid-life crisis is when a guy can finally afford to buy the car he wanted when he was 16.

so, here’s mine


(OK cell phone pic. Need to get it cleaned up and take some better pics)

That’s my baby!!
I fell in love with Mustangs when I was a kid. My first car was a '66 notch-back coupe. I slap dab wore that thing OUT. A Shelby was always just a dream in those days. I really didn’t like any of the Mustangs until they came out with the '05. (The 5.0’s were OK, but not great.) My wife found this for me for Christmas last year. What a WOMAN!!


My little Miata ( MLC). Drove it from IL to Carmel CA. Sold it to a guy who was watching us taking pics . That’s the famous Bixby Bridge on CA 1 in the background. Had to walk all the way back to IL.


Every smart and each nickel I can get my hands on goes right into that sidekick of mine!

However, we do travel to the river with style.

Keep posting! I need ideas as to what I should be looking for in the next few years.

Nice job on that truck. Here’s one for a new project. It’s Clint Eastwoods truck from the movie Bridges of Madison County. It’s parked just down the road from ya in Carmel at his Mission Ranch and just rusting away.

It does need help but…


Come on guys and gals, there has to be more toys sitting in the FAOL garages?


Here’s mine. It’s not much, but it gets me there and back with all my gear and fishing buddies.

I can’t compete… I do wanna see more trucks though!

My second boy!

Shortly after my father died I had a series of really bad chest pains and got concerned, big time. Seems I had a rib out of socket and getting it popped back in fixed my heart problem. My family doc suggested a cardiac stress test, just to make sure everything was okay.

So I told the cardiologist why I was there and he explained some things to me. There are no “Mid-Life Crises” in men. Instead the actual mechanism is a series of questions develop in men at a certain age and those questions cause everyone around them to have crises… :wink:

But my go fast machine is really slow compared to some… 28,000 pounds and 25 knots… 12 cylinders…

Absolutely a beauty there Hap, I’ll come and play in your sandbox any time S

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Minr manifested itself as an 883 “Sporty.” It carries me, the ‘willow stick’ & the accounterments arround pretty darned good.

Purchased a few years ago; it will run in 4 inches of water when on plane.

It’s for sale too.

Welcome to the board!

Those aren’t midlife crises toys! I want to see pictures of girlfriends that look like Jessica Simpson…


I am happy just to be alive. Material things are nice but not necessary for me. If I ever have one of these I will be sure to let you all know:

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
