Recipe for fun: Mix well: Water, worms, and a 10 year old

And Dad even enticed a few sunnies with the fly rod.

Right on !



I ran over to my son when he started yelling. I believe he thought he had a shark on the end of the line. We landed it together. At one point I reminded him to not let any slack in the line when he had done just that, and he said, “Dad, My legs are shaking!”. After we released that big boy a few minutes later, he said, “Is that what adrenaline feels like?”. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oh man am I smiling…memories of British Columbia 1952 are flooding back in heavily ! I remembered the shakey legs as soon as I read your words.

Double cheers,


Awesome. Memory of a lifetime.

You can tell the boy that a buddy of yours still feels the adrenlin and shaky knees when a bucketmouth explodes on a topwater presentation. One of the reasons for fishing. BTW, nice looking bass! JGW

I am very happy for you and your Son!

Nothing beats a day of fishing with the boy!!! Its the things like that will be stuck in his memory when he is your age.

We returned to the same spot today, and after he caught 3 or 4 sunnies, BANG, another bucketmouth only an inch or two smaller than the last! The boy has got the fishing MOJO! His twin brother is a little ticked off about it. Catching panfish is fun and all, but…He wants one too. We saw a good sized smallmouth swirling in the weeds across the canal, and my wife tried to get him on that fish, but it wasn’t to be. I told him that fishing is in his blood, and the big boys will come.

nice bass