I apologize for the mediocore photos.
A royal stimulator( white polypropolene yarn substituted)
Bead chain eyed woolly bugger
Chromie variation
Hope ya like 'em
I apologize for the mediocore photos.
A royal stimulator( white polypropolene yarn substituted)
Bead chain eyed woolly bugger
Chromie variation
Hope ya like 'em
The Chromie is my favorite!
Now I have a couple questions!
Why did you make such a skinny body with reversed hackle on the Wooly Bugger?
Why did you use the poly yarn for the wing on the Stimulator?
(i’m not kidding)
The body is arctic fox dubbing( I made it myself) and I made it soo skinny/thin because I wanted to show the fish something different, and the reversed hackle is to PUSH more water and have more movement. It also doesnt stick to the body during the retrieve, if gets put backwards during the strip, and then PUFFS back out, this is very important for me because I fish stillwaters and the fish can take there own sweet time to look at the fly.(It’s a descision helper)
Normally I tie them with chenille and tie the hackle in by the tip, but thats soo standard, I wanted to mix it up a bit.
As for the stimulator, I sometimes use a lightweight brassie or some other light dropper fly below it, So at times of low light I can see white better as compared to tan which fades away. Also I can see the white at greater distance…which I usually end up doing for far away fish from shore.
If your using blonde elk hair that should work OK! Maybe the poly could float the Stim better with a dropper.
I have bleached elk hair. To me it’s still not as good visibility wise in low light as the white poly.
Is there any glo n the dark poly?
[b]Very Nice ties there. I am going to extend Dougs question however. I understand the palmering the hackle to push the fly better, but why did you go large at rear to small at eye.
I too prefer to palmer the hackle, but in reverse. Tie in the tip at the bend and work to the larger barbs at the eye, plus, I wrap a few times at the eye. Mike Andreasen taught me that…calls it a PUSHER.
I’ll take a dozen of each however… 8) [/b]
D, just pay the D#&@* LIGHT BILL! :lol:
I’m sure it’s ‘Just My Imagination’ that women have given me trouble ‘My Whole Life!’ but I’ll somehow endure.
:lol: :lol:
FG, Your hackle question is not what I was going to ask, but it has the same idea!
Chris, The hackle looks large on the body!
I could not find any glow in the dark poly yarn.
fly goddess, Im not sure why I did that now that I think about it.
I also do the same method you described on some buggers, Most of mine are the standard type though.
And yes doug the hackle is BIG
The only glo in the dark material I have is some OLD braided tubing. I’m probably going to go with 100% glo in the dark everything if the Electric Company raises my rates anymore. :lol:
Chris, I’m sensitive to the long hackle because the Stim is a local fly and I know it has short hackle. Don’t worry I won’t tell Randall on you!
The hackle is whiting size 12 and the stimmy is a size 14.
please no! , not randall!
YEA! You better not get on my bad side! :shock: I’ll have Randall’s people that live near you come and correct you! :lol:
Chris, very nice flies, certainly inovation and mixing techniques for tying is a good way to succesful flies congrats!!!
Hi flyandtie,
I like those ties, but even better are your replies! I like how you’ve thought about each part of the fly, and have used a material, or tied bits a certain way, to achieve a goal/solve a problem. Good thinking and good execution of ideas. Nice.
Thank-you for the kind comments guys!
Do you find any durability issues with hair, as oppossed to the poly yarn wings?
I know my hair wings can get pretty cut up after a day of catching with them. The poly wings (for me) hold up a lot better. I like the look of the hair more though, so I tie more with it.