RE Secret Santa Gift Exchange HINTS

So there I was driving with my better half to the first Christmas party of the Christmas season and out of the blue she asks me what I want from Santa.

Well I broke into a soft smile thinking she is teasing me; I almost chuckle out loud when she asks’ “what am I mad about”, then further states that I (the neediest person I know) is ‘the hardest person to shop for’.

I was shocked. “First” I stated, “I am not mad I was smiling” and “second” I am so easy to shop for you can’t hardly miss".

“Yea right” I heard from the passenger’s side of the car. “I am!” I stated with shock of her statement “In fact I bet a guy that only knows me from my posts on line gets me something in our Secret Santa Exchange that’s just perfect”.

“How much are we betting” from the passenger’s side “who in the (bad word) taught this guy to drive”. ?Come on name it". How much we betting"?

So any how I got fifty bucks and dinner riding on this one my dear sweet Secret Santa.

So here is my list.

Dear Santa,

Don’t worry about the limit, I would never rat you out (wink) you being an angler know that everything we buy is so discounted “I just had to buy it honey”.

  • a hat (fishing related)
  • t-shirt
  • never go wrong with a used book
  • fly tying stuff
  • single malt scotch
  • ford f 150
  • $50.00
  • dinner gift certificates

The list could go on and on, It’s embarrassing really.

Your New Best Friend,
Lake Erie High Ball

If I was the REAL Santa, that would all be yours. :roll:
I would have to test drive the F-150 for a while.

Lake Erie High Ball,

I loved this post and thought I would let you know, win or lose, you may as well plan on paying up and going to dinner! The person you are betting with will always win.

Have a great Christmas and remember the reason for it…

Yeah, and what are you going to do if it is fishdog54? From the posts I’ve read, you could end up with a stinky box of road kill and lose $50 and dinner. Bummer! :slight_smile:


Hmmmmm! And that’s all I’m divulging at this partickler time!

Best regards, Dave S.

Lotech how many miles in a test-drive?:frowning: Well as long as it gets under the tree (outside) without touching the trunk I guess you could drive it till Christmas.

Warn, thanks for your comment on the post. I just thought it would be a nice sag way to give hints to our Secret Santa’s. There might be some guys who don’t have the good taste of Fishdog54 (Thanks for the heads up ol’ blue) and are having trouble coming up with ideas.

Warn, you made me think about my little bet with Mrs. Claus, I can think of 2 occasions where I did in fact win a bet and she never paid up! And she never said what she was putting up if I won this time. Don’t say putting up with me either, I am a prince of a guy.:rolleyes:

Having a problem selecting a gift? Check this out Ran across them at the Michigan Flytying Expo. Very good prices and very nice looking boxes.

$15 limit. I fudged, but only just a little bit. Postage is going to carry the $$$ up a bit. But I didn’t count postage.

Postage shouldn’t be counted for your total, so you are good there.

Those are nice boxes, and the plastic and wood ones are within the limit. The others are probably close enough to count, too. :slight_smile:

BTW, I do like the idea of giving ideas, which I believe was the idea behind the original post. It will most likely be incorporated into next year’s exchange. There will also be a “gift report” thread that I’ll start once the packages are mailed.