Rare Earth Magnets

I want to get my hands on three small round (.375) magnets. Does anyone know where I can just buy them individually. Online resources only sell them in 40 packs for $15.00. Thanks for the help. -Chad


If you’ve got a “Dead” hard drive knock it apart there are several “Rare Earth” magnets in them.
I use them on my tying vise and love em.

Try here. http://www.sciplus.com/category.cfm?sub … tegory=117

I’ve seen them listed there in 5-10pc lots

Try lee valley tools, They are situated in canada.

With the us/canadian exchange, you will come out a winner!


I believe that you can buy them in small packs of 5 magnets or so at Norther Tool and Hydraulic. They carry several sizes and they are REALLY powerful.

Jim Smith

Here’s a link to the Lee valley tools that Chris suggested. They are really cheap and they sell them induvidually. The 1 inch ones can lift a 30lb block of steel.

http://www.leevalley.com/hardware/page. … 42348&ap=1

Shameless self promotion I admit, but I’m the computer guy for this outfit:
We have 'em from the size of the head of a pin, up to big blocks that will break finger bones if you’re not careful.

Lee Valley is a good source. I’ve shopped there for years for woodworking goodies and some of their other products (try their fridge magnets…they hold a LOT of stuff! and work great on your vise base for holding hooks too).

I have plenty of old hard drive magnets but they may be much stronger than you’re looking for (and bigger too).