Quotes of the day.

Hi everyone, I’m not trying to step on anyone’s toes or anything but I’ve been wondering, would it be possible to put future quotes of the day in 1 weekly or monthly thread? I’ve got no problems with posting a new quotation every day. However, the large number of invdividual threads for them has been making it more difficult to browse the warmwater forum and I think they might be inadvertently limiting the amount of discussion of Warmwater flyfishing that goes on here by pushing other threads to the back pages more quickly.

IMHO, the daily quotes start more discussions than they “push back”.

Ditto to Phil. :smiley:

I do not see where the quotes are pushing anything back. Somtimes they are the only post of the day in the Warm water section.

I agree that they are great for inspiring threads. However, most don’t illicit more than 1 or 2 direct responses so I figured it might be better to condense them into fewer threads. Who knows, maybe I’ve just been trying to dig through the old threads more than most people?

Agree…persoanlly I like the quotes real time!
From now on I’ll respond to every one or at least until…!

I will work on deleting some of the older ones.


I come here every morning just to see the ‘quote’.

If you check in daily, it’s not an issue.

If you don’t, then that’s ‘you’ problem, correct?

Don’t change a thing, Rick.


Ditto Buddy…ditto!

Ditto Buddy…ditto!

Hi Rick,

One more for “don’t change a thing”, as I also go to the board daily and enjoy reading the quote of the day.

I may not read every post that is on the warm water board every day, but I virtually always read the quote of the day.



“I will work on deleting some of the older ones.”

Please don’t do that Rick. I was just hoping that it could be a bit more organized in the future. I never wanted anyone to go about deleting anything or to stop posting new quotes. I do always have a way of saying things so they they get taken in a way that I didn’t intend. :oops:

Rick, count this as another vote for not deleting old quotes.


Bill…you’re definitely entitled to your opinion… nothing to be embarrassed about that. 8)

We are OLD. 8) We don’t much like change…unless it jingles in the pocket. :roll: Thank you and keep up the good work Rick. :wink:
…lee s.