quote for 6-25

“Can cows tell you whether or not the fish are biting?
Some folks think so. They claim that cattle graze actively at times when the fish are hungry, and that when cattle stop eating to rest, fish do too. so check a pasture as you go by.”

H G Tapply “Field & Stream”


PS Does not work for me.

[quote=““Rick Z””]
PS Does not work for me.

Me either. I do watch the birds though. Birds can show where the fish might be at times. Their eyes are much better than mine at spotting fish.

as the rifle spoke a red mist rose into the air
the flicker tail was transformed into a worthless puzzzle…
indistinguishable from the mounds of cow dung…
that dotted the pasture like boulders on a distant plain :stuck_out_tongue: