quote for 10-27

?When it comers to temperature preferences, smallies are much more like their largemouth cousins than they are similar to any member of the trout clan.?
Tim Holschlag August 2007 Midwest Fly Tying


I disagree. Taking as an example the populations of both species in The Saint Lawrence River Valley, Lake Champlain, and Adirondack Lakes.

  1. Lake Saint Francis, and artificial wide spot on the Saint Lawrence River mostly in Quebec and Ontario. This body of water holds both species. The deep cool flows of the main channel with structure hold few largemouth, but many smallies. The bays and backwater canals hold largemouth, but few if any smallies.
  2. Lake Champlain is becoming well known for it’s smallmouth fishing, in fact the tourney’s they hold catch mostly smallies. Why? The lake is very deep and the average water temp is quite low, in fact the other dominant fish are Lake Trout, and Landlocked Salmon.
    3.) Adirondack Lakes. If they are deep and feature cooler temps, and still are good for trout, they contain mostly smallies. If they are shallow and warmer, and have lost their trout, they feature bucketmouths.