Quittaphilla Creek, Central Pa

Anyone from FAOL have any good tips for fishing this creek, good spots, types of flies, techniques for fishing this creek? I live near by it and never seem to have much success. I think I lose more flies than catch fish.

I do well here with dry/midge dropper to rising fish in the section above the bridge wash-out. Below that, I do well with streamers (especially Clouser’s) in size 8 and 10. Some like nymphs in the deeper water, but I tend to fish the undercut banks in the lower sectin (below the bridge). In the deeper water above the bridge, the dry/midge dropper combo seems to be best, but I do wait to see actively rising fish. THe bottom is very muddy in spots in the deep section, so use caution because you might “get stuck” or step into a hold and float your hat.

What bridge wash out are you talking about, 934 bridge or the area where you park at the quitty park. Also what color clouser and is that with a sinking line?

Bridge washout that is in the park about 30 yards upstream of the end of the parking area.

I like Foxxee Minnow’s in this creek and use a floating line.

I fish the Quitty reguarly and my fly selection changes through out the season. Early spring:Olive Wolly Bugger, Black and Char.BH Bugger Attractor I got out of Fly Tying magazine, and early Black Stone Fly. Spring warm-up: Black and Char. Caddis Larva, Black Stone Fly and add the Green Weenie, Caddis Pupa,Hares Ear Nymph. Late spring: All the above and fish some dry flies on the sunny banks such as BWO, Adams, Elk Hair Caddis, Griffits Gnat, Irrestible. I’ve found that the BH Hares Ear, Green Weenie and the Olive Wolly Bugger are some of the more popular flies on this creek. I hope this helps.

Do you fish the delayed harvest section? Can you please explain the balck and char BH bugger. I think that is a very hard creek to fish. I would really like to figure it out because I’m only 5 minutes from it. Any other tips would help.