question ????

I beg, suggest , want, canjole,command; what ever word you want to use, that some of the rest of you write up articles for the warmwater and panfish areas.
I would love to read what some of the rest of you are doing.


Ya, ditto!

Hi Rick and Castwell,

Please again post the email address where we need to send the articles to.

I have done very little fishing this summer, because of too many things to do, and lack of opportunity, but hope to do some soon.

I did go to yellowstone this summer with family and friends, and would like to know if it would be OK to write an article or two on that trip. However, the main articles I read each week are panfish and warmwater, and wonder if I could write the articles up as a warmwater flyfisherman at Yellowstone?

Please advise.

Thanks and regards,


send to

…and I have answered.

Rick, I very much enjoy reading your work and vicariously living your experiences through you. That said, I have answered your call for articles and just submitted one to the email above. Let me know what I need to do to make it production ready.

Thanks for what you do.


JMJ, the article is dandy, nothing else needed. We would welcome the fly as Fly of the Week too. S

How about sending me what you did this summer? email to:

Good evening Rick,
Mate, I would love to, however I am only new this fly fishing thingo of tricking fish business.

(smiling here)
OK, lets see what a old bloke can stir up, from over here.

Kindest regards,

Good evening Rick,
Mate, I would love to, however I am only new this fly fishing thingo of tricking fish business.

(smiling here)
OK, lets see what a old bloke can stir up, from over here.

Kindest regards,

scum.glove Thank you. It will be refreshing to read someone else.

Uncle Barry, You have been chasing fish for a long time.
We started communicationg so long ago that I can’t rmeember when.


Kind of like Tiger Woods asking an average duffer to watch him play a round of golf.



I wrote up my trip to Caddo Lake but forgot to share it out! Yoiks! Just corrected that error so now Deanna can actually see it! (sorry about that bone headed goof folks)