my friend just gave me some bow string wax for my bow but i was wondering if i could sub it for dubbing wax any info would be great thanks davidm
Give it a shot (no pun intended). I’ve used x-country ski wax, candles etc in addition to dubbing wax, and some folks use cobbler’s wax.
Try it on one, stand back, and see if it bursts into flames. If not, you’re good to go.
thanks for the info peregrines ill give it a try
Most definitely you can use it. I use bowstring wax, and it works just fine. It also costs considerably less than dubbing wax (not that wax contributes significantly to the cost of tying on a per-fly basis).
If your fly then shoots like an arrow, you’ll know you’re onto something.
As an avid bow hunter at the time of my start in tying…it’s all I’ve ever used…narey a prob thus far!
Wax is wax. I don’t use wax for dubbing, but if I did, I would just use my bowstring wax. Especially on Broadhead Flies :D.