
Does anyone know where I can get a chart showing the actual size of
the different hook sizes for trout fishing?
I need to learn the sizes, as for now I can’t tell the difference between
a size 20 & 18 to a 16 by just looking at them.

i would buy a griffin hook and hackle gauge … ing-2.html
but that only goes down to size 16
they are only 5.45 and are very small (would eaily go into a small pocket in your vest!

i bought one for my vise and i love it :smiley:
but i dont know of a chart or anything sorry :frowning:

Oh for petes sake! I have been using one for 3 years now for my dry fly Hackle. I even know it was called a HOOK and Hackle guage. It never occured to me that it had the hook sizes on it. I had to take it down and look at it. Duh! thanks for the wake up call flyandtie.

Man how dumb was that?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: we all make those mistakes once in a while !!

You took a strange nick for someone who doesn’t know hooks. :smiley:

Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

Use a hook and Hackle gauge for now. Are you tying them? If so the size is labeled on the hook pack. And if you bought them you should know what size you bought. When you put the flies you bought into a flybox you can label what size they are so you don’t forget. I can tell the size pretty well just by looking at the hook, but i tie and use the hooks a lot.


I was at Cabela’s yesterday and saw a real good chart of hooks giving sizes all the way into the 20’s and different types of hooks also. The trouble was that it is not for sale. The Manager of the fly shop did not know where to get a chart such as I am looking for. The one for fly tying that only goes to size 16 is not
good enough for me. I want to see the size of the little hooks. Still waiting on a good positive answer.

Could he not have copied it for you?!? Bluegill222! Hey, Bluegill222!! Where are you???

Betty, No he couldn’t copy it. It was way to large and it was encased in hard plastic. Being as you live close you may have seen it in the back to the right on top of a display. If not, look for it the next time yoiiiu are in there. I’m sure you go there occasionally, I do to use my Visa points.

Ron…I have a Griffin hook and hackle gauge here. Drop by if you want to see it…

I’ll work on that! Gotta find that bluegill222!!!

try searching on mustads website. They used to have a print out for each style of hook they sell that has a sillohette of every size they sell in that style. Try looking up 94840 for dry fly hooks. I only use their signature series now so I forget the other hooks. But they should have some of what you are looking for. Other hook manufacturers should have similar pages on their websites. Good luck.

Here is somewhere to start anyway. Print the pages, I bet that in hard copy the hook images are life size. See if your #16 hook matches any of theirs - and work on from there. If you are using Mustad there is a bit of a disadvantage since they have changed their line. There have been some charts for the old system (94840), but you may not be able to find it online. If I find one of my old Mustad catalogues I will PM you. There are also pics in Darryl Martin’s “Micropatterns” I believe, but it is too late a night for me to look just now.

i keep the hook packs with one hook left in them as a ref. so i can easily tell right away

I didn’t get what I was looking for but I went to the webb & sent out some questionairs to manufactures and outfitters. I received a chart from a Colorado Outfitter that shows different flies and what the normal hook size is used in tying that flie. It should do me for now. Thanks for your responses in trying
to help me out. I guess it was an out of ordinary question. There is still one member still working on the chart hook size for me. Let this item be closed.

Here take mine…

Pm me your e-mail address and I’ll send you the Acrobat file…Bud

That is too kewl!! If it were printed to size, it could be laminated and carried in your bag!

If I send you my email address, would you send me the file also?

Whoa!! Been playing !! I did a drag and drop to the desktop, of hcmiller’s chart. Opened it with photoshop and reduced it till the hooks were the right size, then printed it! Now I’ll go have it laminated! Thank you!! Redhook, PM me with your address, and I’ll mail you a copy!

my pleasure :smiley:

The book is called “Fly Tier’s Hand book by Gene Kugach” about $20.00 new. I recommend it to all new tier’s. Bud

Sure, Betty but it sounds like you got it figured out all ready…Bud