
I have had a few recent problems with braided loop to loop connectors but like to be able to attach a short sinking tip to the end of my fly line at times. I have made a connection to the end of my fly line by tapering the very end and then doubling back about one inch of the line. At this point I used fine silk fly tying thread in a contrasting color for visibility and wrapped about 3/8 in a manner much like starting thread on a hook to begin tying a fly. After this I whip finished the wraps and coated the knot with waterproof glue. This allowed for a very small loop in the end of the fly line for attaching leaders sink tips etc. The smaller end loop seems to run smoothly through the guides and seems strong enough for the fishing I do on an ultra light setup. My question would be, if there are any inherent problems with this. Please advise on this as it seems a very simple solution but I have not heard of anyone using it before. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Seems like a lot of work to do what you’re doing but if you’re happy with how it’s performing then keep doing it.

I have a different approach that I like and I’m sure others have their way. I think you’ll find a lot of “right ways” to get what you want.

My solution to the loop to loop contection is to simply nail knot a short piece (4 to 6 inches) of 20 to 40 lbs test mono (mono weight depends on the fly line weight)and then finishing the mono end with a perfection loop. You can make the loop fairly small and I’ve not had any trouble with stringing it through the guides when lining the rod.

I’m sure you’ll get lots of other good recommendations. What part of OH are you located in?

Hi Joe,
Thanks for the input on this topic. I have heard about using a fixed leader butt like you were talking about but it seemed like it might hinge a lot. By the way if you get a chance PM me as we are very close, I am just up the road in Bellbrook. I imagine we might fish the same places and it might be nice to chat for a bit about the local scene.


Yes we are indeed just a stones throw from each other. I handn’t noticed any “hinging” issue with the mono. It’s fairly stiff and generally about the same diameter as the core of the fly line. Tom up at the Rusty Drake in Cross Point Center did my original set up. I’m sure your familiar with his shop.

I work over at Caesar Creek so I’d say it’s a safe bet we’ve fished over some of the same water. If you find yourself over that way my office is in the visitor center on Clarksville Rd. Stop in and say hello.

If your way works for you then use it.

Most of my fly lines have perfection loops tied into the end so I can do the sinking tip/leader to loop conections. It works for me.

Jay, Lefty Kreh show me that loop it’s also in his knot book w Mark Sosin. He’s says he has never had one of the “whipped loops” fail.
Goerge Harvey actually designed his leaders around the loop Alra is using. He uses a 12 inch piece of mono and incorporats it into his leader formula’s. They can be found in George’s book or Joe Humphrie’s
“Trout Tatics”.
