Question on the U-boat 2000

Hi there I just bought the Creek Company U-boat 2000, does anyone have one of these and if so what do you think. I put it together and it looks great other than I noticed that there is no cross bar at the front. I am worried that it will fold in on me.
Is this a problem or does the tension strap really work like it is made for. I am hoping to try it out as it will be my spare, but I hate to ruin my trip if it is not going to work very well for me.

Jeff, I used a creek co. uboat for awhile. They don’t come with a bar. That’s caddis sports. I don’t care for sitting so low in the water. I redesigned mine by taking about 6" out of the seat and adding a 2" thick velcro attached close cell foam seat made to fit bladder to bladder. It raised me up higher and seated me more snugly on the tube. I eventually traded up to a fat-cat and then a pontoon. I still have the uboat and occasionally use it on small still water. If yours is a backup no worries. You will like it. Just dont use it without the stripping apron and a PDF. Jim

Thanks for that info jimsnarocks I also have a pontoon boat that I like using, the modifications that you made sound like a great idea, may look into that. But it is just a back up so I am not so worried, just curious about what everyone thinks, o thank you very much.

Jeff, are you going to the FlyFishing show in Pasadena this weekend? I’ll be there tomorrow only. Jim

No sorry I am going to visit my grandfather in Hemet, he recently broke his arm so going to check on him and do ome things around the house. I was thinking about floating Puddingstone on Sunday, it is up in the air right now but I would like to try to make it out if I can.

You’re a good guy. My buddy Billy E fishes Puddingstone for bass. He uses OTFF tackle. Talk to you later. Jim

Nice to meet you Jim my name is Jeff

We have several of the Creek 2000 boats and they work well enough. I am a big guy at 6’4" and 240… Probably bigger than the tube is rated for… I use a flotation cushion to sit on, otherwise I get water down the back of my boots… I sit lower than most. :wink:

I had a bladder go bad on me and customer service was phenomenal! They shipped a bladder and tracking showed it went the wrong way several times. I needed the bladde for a fly-in pike trip and they arranged for a local shop to give me a bladder. When UPS finally got their act together and delivered the bladder they sent originally they told me to keep it as a spare…

Thanks hap that is some good info. to know it works for you being as tall as you are makes me feel better so thanks again my confidents on my purchase is going up.