Question for castwell


i recently got my copy of american angler and there is an article related to casting in the issue. there are many nice pictures showing proper technique. however is not the reel position just what you warned about in last week’s article about keeping your reel upth?

Probably true - it is a very common fault. Once corrected it REALLY improves ones casting.

I have not seen the story, but many cast by swinging the reel out. It is very natural for most folks. Mostly they just don’t know any better.

:shock: JC, Guess Im strange. Ive never swung the reel sideways. Also on small streams I keep my elbow tight to me. Works for me. Probably wrong huh?

Does the same thing happen if you twist the reel in instead of out?

It would, but you also would probably break yer wrist too. :smiley:

I have a tendency to turn the reel in. Probably because the fractures that I sustained in the bones of the small finger in my casting hand make it harder for me to grip the rod. I am gripping the rod with the thumb and first three fingers. Anyway, while experimenting I discovered that shifting my feet and upper body into a pistol shooting stance I am able to have better control of the rod.