Quantum Hot Sauce

In all the previous threads on Medalist reels, Quantum Hot Sauce reel grease and oil came out as THE lubricant to use on reels and all my searching on the Internet confirms that it is. I had mentioned to Bill at One-Pfoot that I was going to order some for my reels and, in fact, I sent an order off this morning for the grease and oil. This evening I received an e-mail from Bill at One-Pfoot and he said he had a good supply of it on hand and it can be purchased from him. It is not on his web site yet, but, he plans to have it available, so, one could pull up his web site and contact him to purchace it if they want to. Had I known I could have purchased it from him I would have and could tell you his cost, but, I had already sent my order to another vendor.