Does anyone have any experience using punch yarn for tying flies? I found a fly pattern that call for “punch embroidery yarn” but am unsure of what it’s made of or where to purchase it. It looks very similar to knitting wool but it is much thinner. I have been to the local craft stores but none of them carry anything that looks like it. Is anyone fimiliar with it?
There was a guy on this forum that used it a lot and was actually sending out samples. I requested a sample but he never replied. At any rate, I too have been trying to locate some but none of the craft shops have ever heard of it. There were some mail order places I believe but I’d rather see what I was getting. Maybe someone will post a place to get it.
Bill & Dave: Punch yarn is a 3 ply very thin yarn. It was once popular with crafters but has fallen into disuse thus it is not carried by almost all of the craft stores. I obtained enough of the stuff to last for several life times by looking in thrift stores. Those run by churches are more productive than the Salvation Army or Goodwill in this endeavor.
Check the site mentioned by Biot Midge so you will know what to look for. If you are unsuccessful and don’t want to place an order with the Pretty Punch folks send me a PM with your address and I will send you some samples.
As an added thought: In my opinion the punch yarn hype is overblown. As I said punch yarn is a very thin 3 ply yarn. You can go to most any store that sells yarn and buy some 3 ply baby yarn and unravel it. One ply of the baby yarn is very close in diameter to the 3 ply punch yarn. The main advantage of punch yarn is that it can be spooled onto an old thread spool and placed on a bobbin and used to make flies fast.
Dave Potts;
I bet that was me that failed to respond! I sent out some 30 samples and knew I would miss someone. Please accept my appology and if you will pm your mailing address I will send some 5 yard samples.
If you have any specific colors let me know.
celltech, ditto.
Panman, I haven’t used punch yarn but I think you’re probably right. My sister knits, and she sent me samples of several of her yarns (all wool). So far, I’ve tied nymphs with dark grey heather, light grey heather, forest green and kind of a pinky grey (no, not Chadwicks 477 pinky grey, much pinker). They all caught fish, although the dark grey heather was the best. Just leave a short tag end for the tail, wrap it around the hook shank with a double layer for a thorax, scruff it up with some velcro and that’s it. Easy and effective. There are thousands of different yarns, and I am sure hundreds of them would work nicely. Punch may have special qualities. Like I said, I haven’t used it. Every yarn I have used caught fish, though.
Hello Denny,
You can get punch yarn at Wal-Mart craft dept. It is in small hanks of 8-10 yards and sells for 25-30 cents. It is a brand called “Needloft” and comes in 15 or so colors. Works great for touch dubbing, for scuds, or sow bugs. Only problem the stores in Louisville do not stock black color.
Hope you have a Wally world close.
Sorry ,Tom ,…that’s not punch yarn…Wal-Mart used to handle it…[it’s where I got mine]…but not now…I also have the NeedleLoft…good stuff but very different…