I’ve been tying my early season patterns lately using lots of punch yarn. The more I use this stuff, them more I love it. It makes a terrific and easy alternative to dubbing on bodies.
Anyway, I will put together a few sets of multiple colors of this material for anyone who hasn’t been able to get this material yet. I’ve found it is hard to get locally, but I mail ordered a bunch and a spool lasts forever. So I’m going to share. If you haven’t used or seen this material before, look at Al Campbell’s too simple series of flies ( http://www.flyanglersonline.com/alcampbell/archive.html ), or any of the flies from this swap: ( http://new.photos.yahoo.com/ghileman@sb … 2317308422 )
First 3 people to speak for it and haven’t used this material before can have a set. Sign up and get me your address, and I’ll get it in the mail shortly. And if you miss out and don’t make it in the first 3 but really want some punch yarn to try out, shoot me a PM. I’ll hook you up with a set no matter what your number is. EDIT: Forget numbers for now–if you want to try punch yarn out, sign up even if there is more than 3 or 5 or even 10. I’ll do my best to get you set up
You are all signed up. Just be sure to PM me your address.
Let’s forget about numbers for a little while. If this is something that you want to try and can’t get it locally, sign on. I’ll do the best I can to supply as many as I can. I’ll cry uncle if and when I get swamped.
blue if you need help with some of the yarn let me know I also have a lot of it. Not trying to steal your post. I think this is a fantastic offer you have made.
Any of you that have not used punch yarn in flies before you need to try it. I experiment with it on a lot of flies using it insted of dubbing on some. It is great stuff. John
Thanks for the offer, John. Hopefully we will get a lot of guys turned on to this stuff. Might have to do another punch yarn themed swap, eh? :twisted:
I will try to get the first round of yarn ready to mail tonight. But keep on posting if you are interested in a set.
I will send Steven some from my inventory. After all he has done with the FAOL DVD’s and his Furled Leader info he sent me, it is the least I can do to try and give something back to him.
If anyone is in a flytying club/group or wants to see what colors are available, punchneedlemarketplace has packages of 18 different colors in 100 yd spools for around 16 bucks. 200 yard spools go for $1.80.
Some of the cheapest tying material around. About 1/2 a cent a yard