I’m really getting into tying Ptn’s. so let’s have a swap. 12 tyers, sign up byApril 20 TH. Due to me on May 15th, Back in the mail by May 20th. Toe tag or bags, send return postage and return envelope. 12 flies so you get one of your own back. New flytyers welcome, old flytyers welcome. Remember this is for Pheasant Tail Nymphs only. Dan Gober
1 Dan Gober done
2 Sagittarius62 Received
3 ToNymph?
4 SullyTM Received
5 Troutgeek received
6 AlexL
7 tk received
8 jleip received
9 Bassman received
10 Gnu Bee Flyer received
11 blaiseboy received
12 clo received
Dan Gober
758 County Route 8
Fulton, New York 13069
The swap is now closed. I already have One set of flies. The sooner i get all the fliies The quicker i can return them. Dan
I’m in! But i’m a newbie tyer and my flys are all what i call “cripples” because theres always something wrong with them! but ill try my best for this.
SAGITTARIUS62, TONYMPH?, SULLEYTM, TROUTGEEK, ALEXL. you are all in. Thanks for joining the swap. When this swap is over we all will be ready for some good fishing. Dan