Proud to be Canadian!

I hope this works, it is a great video of how Canada is proud of it’s heroes

I’ve seen the video of this before and the lump in my throat remains. Yes, you deserve to be PROUD of these HEROES. AND I assure you , we as Americans are NO LESS proud of them.


Absolutely beautiful and breath-taking. We thank you for sharing it with us - I’m glad to see that kind of patriotism is still alive and well somewhere - we had it here in the US for a while after 9/11, but it seems to have gotten lost in the big “ME” generation or culture. So sad.

As an American Vet, I am very proud of our neighbors to the north for their display of love & support for their Heroes.
I salute not only your Heroes, but the Canadian Patriots who support them.
God Bless,

As a former paratrooper who’s son just finished his second tour in Iraq, salute to the brave willing to sacrifice all. While we may not agree on cause or purpose we can all agree that, in reality, it comes down to the person in the next fox hole.

Several Canadians fought with us in Nam. They were good guys, good soldiers, and brave men.


Simply awesome the way it always should be

God bless those heroes.

God bless those American and Canadian men and women that gave their lives and put their lives on the line so we can be free. It such a huge, huge sacrifice and I hope we all pray for our neighbors in Canada and the United States.
Thank You

A friend forwarded this to me this week, you seem like a likely audience to share it with today.

It is the VETERAN,
not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN,
not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN,
not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN,
not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN,
not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN,
not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN
Who salutes the Flag,
It is the VETERAN
who serves under the Flag, who makes it possible for the campus radical to burn the flag.


WRONG! Dee your wrong on this one.
Patriotism still runs from sea to sea in our beloved America…

As for Canada, you bet I am very proud of her heros as well…

Be safe!


I will have to agree there are still plenty of patriotic young people out there. We have to remember that every man and women in uniform is a volunteer, not draftees. WHere patriotism has hit the skid is in the main stream press and telecommunication industries. Although it seems from time to time they get the message that we still love our country and respect the people who sacrificed to allow us access to our God given rights.

This is a cut and paste from an email from my old boss, who was a friend before he was my boss. The ding in the leg was a direct hit through the calf that resulted in the loss of a large chunk of muscle. The link is worth viewing.

Got this from General Bob Stewart who I was flying the helicopter with in RVN back in 1966 when I got dinged in the leg. Bob was a 1st Lt at the time and went on to become an astronaut and flew quite a few missions in our space program. The note below is from Bob. This song pretty much exemplifies what transpired back during that time.

Hi Everyone,

I went to a reunion of my RVN Aviation Battalion last week. One of the young aviators, a combat veteran of Iraq himself, and a member of the current 13th Aviation Bde., Wrote this song. He finished it the night before he performed it for us the first public performance. I really appreciated this song because of who wrote it as well as what it says. Give a listen.

Bob Stewart

It was an honor to serve in N.A.T.O. alongside our Canadian brothers and sisters in arms. There are two National Anthems that I know and sing. The first is the anthem of my own beloved United States of America: The Star Spangled Banner. The second anthem is of a nation we call Canada that I have very fond memories of visiting and have come to dearly love: O’ Canada!

I weep for my Canadian brothers and sisters in arms. I shall honor them always. I shall not fail them and be stead fast in the fight against all that is evil. I always stand for the playing of our anthems. I always stand, remove my cover and place my right hand over my heart when our flags pass in review. I couldn’t carry a note in a shopping cart but I will always sing out loudly our National Anthems as it honors those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

Bob that was beautiful, We have Canadian Vietnam Veterans. I hope they all get to see and hear this wonderful song, and tribute to them…

Again Eric you have shown what a dam stand up guy you are… Thank you , Please accept a hardy hug and hand shake from this Canadian, and Soldier(Jimmy)

You know I posted this Videio to two Canadian Fly fishing Buliten Boards and got – Nothing Zip Nada, so Lady Fisher, I too humbly say that at times the National Pride of the US may become some what less glaring or Loud but it never goes away, never gets lost, and that is something I as a proud Canadian Envy…

Thank you, My American Brothers and Sisters for your expressions of love and caring for our true Heroes, those that Serve, have served and sacrificed.
My back maybe older then I and crumbling and scared but it will never never bow or bend under the weight of my Pride in our Countries…

As a side note My son and his girlfriend are in Washington DC, touring the Sights, Memorials and Arlington Cemetery, and specifically the Vietnam War memorial, He is 23 yrs old, and very Proud of his Country.

Thank you again…

fff, thanks very much for the vidieo, We here in the US are proud of out brothers and sisters to the north. May the Good Lord protect them All. Thanks again, John.