"Professional" Sports

I never could stand sports and have yet to see any enjoyment in watching someone else play sports… Maybe it’s because I hear about it all the time.

“Hey didja hear about the Butte Bluebellies win last night? They had the bases loaded when the other team’s half-back fumbled the puck allowing them to score a 5 run touchdown.”

The lingo is the worst part of it.

I actually quit watching TV because of sports. When I get reaaaaally bored, I’ll turn on the idiot-box to see if there is anything worth watching on. Nope. Foos-ball…

Now I can understand watching racing or something like that. The crashes are cool and a lot of times, the driver gets out, waves his hand and goes right back to doing it.

Or even the MXC on Spike!! Now that’s fun to watch!! Japanese people in some weird gameshow turned into a sport with a dubbed over script…

Also the UFC fights! There is some really good entertainment there. Two guys getting into a “cage” and beating each other senseless… One-sided most of the time, but still fun to watch.

Unfortunately, I can’t get UFC, or MXC on my TV, so I stick to watching movies in my collection over and over. This week, the Indiana Jones Trilogy. In all actuality… I’d rather be fishing…

I wonder if you have seen that there is a new type of professional sport on TV whereby bass fishermen catch as many bass as they can in as short a time as they can.

One of the rules seems to be to leave the net at home and use a strong enough line so that you can yank the fish out of the water and slam it into the bottom of the boat. All this without the bother of having to actually play the fish. When you get five big ones you fire up your twin 255 horse motors and race back to the dock to recieve a huge amount of dollars for 3 days work.

As ye judge, so shall ye be judged. Most of what you call entertainment I do not like. However, I am not going to post on here and belittle the things that you like.

By the way, I come from a racing family. Regional dirt tracks in late models and modified stocks. I fully realize that a driver does not have to get into the race car. I have personally seen enough drivers injured and killed to know that there is nothing entertaining about the crashes.

I also see the fishing and hunting shows on T.V. that are in the venue Gnu Bee Flyer has brought up and I agree with Gnu Bee Flyer.

Trolling is also part of the sport of fishing and should be left there.:twisted:

I have exercised my better judgement and will keep my reply BEHIND my teeth where it surely belongs. It’s the “opinion” thing, everyone has one.


PS: I did once ask a very famous professional athlete why he demands SO MUCH money, his reply, because I CAN.

It was a joke!!! You know… Ha ha!! Insert laughing here because someone made a joke… Even on the internet people think I’m serious… I give up… Stick a fork in me, I’m done… Not literally… It’s just an expression…

lol, fill some time;
start here, :slight_smile:

Gnu- I really don’t keep up with fishing tournaments either.

Everyone else- I would LOVE to hear your replies. C’mon anything you got! Throw your worst at me! Shoot me a PM and I’ll empty out my inbox!!

I apologize. Ah, you might want to consider the use of a smile or two when joking on the net. ;):smiley:

You really crack me up sometimes.:lol: Great article!

Pack a bag, you need to go fishing (and soon!!). I’ll pick ya up Friday after you get off work and bring ya back here. We’ll hit the Duck River Saturday and the Elk on Sunday, Which is right on the way back to Loretto! And in between the two we’ll stop by Tim’s Fly’s and Lies in Lynchburg.

“Hey didja hear about the Butte Bluebellies win last night? They had the bases loaded when the other team’s half-back fumbled the puck allowing them to score a 5 run touchdown.”

Hot da*n! Someone else who “speaks sports” like I do!!!:p:pI love it!! Yep, you really need to go fishing!!

Betty- LOL!!! I’ll still be laughing about that tomorrow!! I really don’t understand all the lingo myself…

Jack- If you’re serious, you really don’t have to go out of the way for me… If you’re not, you’re right… I do need to go fishing…

Nighthawk- I learn to use those more often…:D:lol::roll::wink:

Hi, my name is Joe and I’m a sports idiot… for real. I have lived in the Cleveland area for 58 years with three professional(?) sports teams, and I cannot tell you who is in the starting lineup for the Indians, who the front line was for the Browns last season (I don’t know who the QB was either), and aside from Lebron James who’s name is in every publication and radio station in Cleveland, I don’t know the other players on the Cavaliers big round ball team. I actually turn down free tickets to attend major sporting events because I just don’t get the point of it all, and cannot understand why pro sports has gotten to the point where the average family of four cannot afford to spend the day at their local stadium without taking out a second mortgage (just my opinion). Also, I loathe any event that involves one contestant intentionally trying to injure another. I also don’t understand why people enjoy watching other people injure or maim each other. It makes no sense to me and serves no useful purpose in life. I believe there’s too much violence and rage in society already, without promoting it as “sport.”

I know huge numbers of men and women are passionate about sports, and I just can’t get into it. I can only guess that many of them live vicariously through their sports heroes, since they wear jerseys and other articles of clothing with their hero’s name on it. Does this make me a weird person? I don’t think so. Do I look down my nose at those who live for sports? Absolutely not. To each his own. I am living proof that you can get by just fine in life without the influence of professional sports.


I’m serious. Just let me know when and where to pick you up. We’ll get Warren, doublewide and popperfly togather and beat the rivers to a froth!!:smiley:

HEY, I LIKE this editing stuff!! Amazin’ how a missing word here or there can change things, hunh??:stuck_out_tongue: :rolleyes: :wink:
Now Joe, DON’T tell me you turn down BROWN’S tickets!!!..AAAAAARRRRRGGHH!!! :confused:

Your not an Idiot! Here is a List that will help you communicate with Mikey better!

Ohio High School, College, League, and Professional Sports

Akron Zips - Akron
Cincinnati Bearcats - Cincinnati
Cleveland St Vikings - Cleveland
Dayton Flyers - Dayton
Miami RedHawks - Miami
Toledo Rockets - Toledo
Ohio Bobcats - Athens
Ohio St Buckeyes - Columbus
Ohio Wesleyan Battling Bishops - Delaware (“Battling Bishops?”) :smiley:
Wright St Raiders - Dayton
Xavier Musketeers - Cincinnati
High School
Ohio High School Athletic Association
High School Internet Network
Akron Aeros (AA) - Akron
Canton Crocodiles (FPB) - Canton
Chillicothe Paints (FPB) - Chillicothe
Cincinnati Cyclones (IHL) - Cincinnati
Cincinnati Mighty Ducks (AHL) - Cincinnati
Cincinnati River Hawks (USL) - Cincinnati
Columbus Clippers (IL) - Columbus
Columbus Cottonmouths (CHL) - Columbus
Dayton Bombers (ECHL) - Dayton
Dayton Dragons (MLPBC) - Dayton
Toledo Storm (ECHL) - Toledo
Toledo Mudhens (IL) - Toledo (“Mudhens”) I’m scared! :smiley:
Cincinnati Bengals (NFL) - Cincinnati
Cincinnati Reds (MLB) - Cincinnati
Cleveland Browns (NFL) - Cleveland
Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA) - Cleveland
Cleveland Indians (MLB) - Cleveland
Cleveland Rockers (WNBA) - Cleveland
Columbus Blue Jackets (NHL) - Columbus (“Those guys have to wear Blue Jackets?”)
Columbus Crew (MLS) - Columbus
Now when someone mentions one of these teams, you will know what they are talking about.


The poor kid has enough to memorize being in college. :lol:

Don’t you know that professional sports is the outlet for our national pent-up aggression. High school and college is the training ground for the pro’s, and the whole program is to keep us from killing ourselves on the streets. We should do it in a stadium or on a court. :lol: I used to enjoy being a participant a lot more when I was young, than I do now. I’ve lost interest in watching just about everything but late season college football. It was a lot more fun to be a participant in some of those sports. I do enjoy watching a good fishing or hunting program, but not the steady diet of mediocre stuff that’s produced. Most of them look like glorified commercials. I guess most of my pent-up aggression has been spent in my youth, and now I just have a few scores to settle with some big cutthroats and german browns. grrrr.:stuck_out_tongue:

TWICE last season. It has no appeal to me. I’d rather watch reruns of Bill Dance Bloopers. My next door neighbor’s son-in-law works for the Indians (computer guy), and there’s always available tickets if I want them. Why go spend all that money for gas, overpriced food and crowded rest rooms, when I can chase bluegills for free in the ponds in my development? Then there’s steelhead fishing during football season. The rivers are almost devoid of people while football games are on the tube, so it’s very peaceful to fish.

This is why we need more youth fishing programs. If the kids are fishing, they’re less likely to be getting into trouble on the streets, which means we need fewer intervention programs for aggressive behavior.

As usual I have no idea what you blokes are talking about. (Smiley for Eric :-))

I think I missed out on a gene somewhere, or maybe it was the overdose of cricket as a youth. There’s a sport that goes for three days or more, then they play it again. Yawn.

I do like consenting adults hurting each other though, it just seems right. What could be more heartening than some a group of college studs tripping over somebody else’s ego and snapping a neck or a leg or two? And despite those who take it seriously, I guarantee 90% of racing spectators are hoping for the crash. How about tennis - you get to watch some spoilt rich brats get shirty with each other over another million or two and abuse the umpire. Yippee.

In this country if you have to wear padding and a helmet it probably is a riot because of a beer strike, not sport. (Better put another smiley in :o)

Sometimes we have fun stuff like yacht racing in the desert; camel racing; or midget throwing; or taking the Americas Cup back to Aus. I quite like 200 mph car crashes.

All this I can watch in preference to the rich jocks being carried off on stretchers in the name of some feat of sporting heroism or other stupidity. I was involved with a major league football club once and was amazed at the level to which the game was “stage managed.” Not rigged or anything like that, just beat up. “Traditional enemies” pitted against each other for media sensationalism where I knew one guy was engaged to the “enemy’s” sister, or they shared a house together, stuff like that. Often the members of the other team would sneak into our change rooms and vice versa - have a laugh and a great time, then on the field “fight to the death.”

If ya enjoy all this then good on ya, life will be a lot easier than if you don’t care like me. Just don’t take it all too seriously, it is all just a franchised business now. (Smiley :p)