Bought a sweet little reel last night … 1-3 weight! … but have found the foam in the zippered case smells horrid. Well, not just horrid, REALLY horrid!! Smells like it, and the case, were soaked in machine oil and insecticide. I’ve soaked it all down in Fabreeze, half a dozen times, set it outside in the sunshine all afternoon, pulled the foam out and washed it first with dish soap, then with Goo-Gone. And it still smells. Not as bad, but still enough to give me a headache. Any other ideas on what I can do to remove the smell? The reel, itself, was dosed up with Fabreeze, too, it smelled so bad from being in the case. Any ideas?
Yikes Betty!
About the only thing I could recommend would be to replace the foam. If you need to make a new hole for the reel handle just heat up a piece of cloths hanger wire and slowly melt out a new opening.
Good luck!
There’s a scuba divers concentrated soap for neoprene, etc. called Sink the Stink. Used it on a very dirty & smelly Islander reel cover & was totally impressed how well it worked after one washing.
You the man! Should work great on my neoprene waders and hunting gear too. Here is their web site:
Betty ,
Try Simple Green.
Not the industrial clear degreaser , just the regular green stuff that you get at the grocery store. It is an excellent grease remover ,wont eat plastic or foams (none that Ive ever sprayed anyway) and rinses out reasoably well. Stinks have a tendency to stay because of oils, remove the oil and the stink has to go away too.
Cheers ,hope to see you soon,
If you really like the reel and just the case stinks, how about going to Cabelas or your local fly shop and picking up a new neophrene bag/case in which to store the new reel? I think they’re about 10 - 15 bucks.
Try placing the items in a zip lockbag with vinegar overnight. The vinegar should be placed in a small open container so not to get the items wet. Vinegar absorbs and neutralizes odors.
Did find a dive shop in Kansas City. Will try the Green stuff. Will try the vinegar trick. Solution in the mid term? … give it to Cary in exchange for one of his reel cases!!! HA!!! Will try these, and probably other, ideas too, and if need be, make a new foam insert for the case. However, the trade with Cary seems to have eliminated MY problem for the time being!!!:roll: