Prime Time East Coast Canada

Salmonoids are in in #'s and the salmon run is just waiting for water, Stacked up in the estuaries most trout being caught on Dark Montreal’s #12 and #10 Black Ghost with Polar Bear wing…

A couple of Browns and Steelheads

Proably should have dropped this in fishing reports but I don’t know how to move it

My apologies

Some nice fish there. Where abouts in NS is this (which county is fine enough if you don’t want to give away the river itself)? I spent a fair number of days last year fishing around Pictou County, but was mostly bringing in 11 inchers and under.

  • Jeff

Jeff the Tracadie River in Antigonish… No lie man at the end of my driveway is the road then the river.

Our North shore rivers are always late… When you coming back

Thanks. Not sure when I’ll get back next. It’s a long and expensive flight back home! I spent a fair amount of time fishing the East River in Stellarton, and the West River out by Durham and there abouts (both well known spots). But had most fun fishing little streams of no name that just appeared out of the forest. Was catching all sorts of wee brookies.

  • Jeff

The latest catch

Nice! Looks like you’re into some good fish.

  • Jeff