Prairie Chicken Pelts

Prairie Chicken pelts. -SOLD

Full skin with wings and tail. Air dried, no bugs, no smell.

$12 each plus actual shipping.

Send a PM or email

The pelts have all been spoken for. Just want to say Thanks again to all who purcahsed,it has been a real pleasure and Happy Thanksgiving!

PM sent Mossy

PM sent.


pm sent

Mossy, PM sent, Mark

PM sent … Thank you!

INCREDIBLE!!! I received my skin today and the quality and care with which it was put up is amazing! It is extremely clean, beautifully and professionally done!

The “horns” are just too cool!

Thank you very much!

PM Sent…Thanks!

If hap likes them I know I will.

Sent an email about 3 skins.

Larry —sagefisher—

I’ll second that!..received mine a couple of days ago.

Thank you! The pelt is absolutely beautiful! Gunna be some pretty fancy soft hackles thrown at out trouts!

Wish I had the extra cash right now those skins look amazing!!!


You and me both, Fatman. That’s one skin I don’t have in my collection for soft hackles.


I agree. Great feathers/pelt. Beautiful job processing the pelt. Thanks so much.

I had to come on here to reiterate what I find is already being said. Great skin, great skinning and great processing. Thanks so much

Got mine today, but have been visiting Son since Wednesday. Beautiful pelt/feathers, I think I know what I’m doing tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing your bounty.

Mark k

thanks for the Chicken, we are having soft hackle of the day here…