Powder painting beads and bead chain

Okay, I’m not a 100% fly fisherman. I’m getting into powder painting my own jig heads and making ice fishing spoons. Got to thinking tonight… What about powder painting bead heads or bead chain? Some chartreuse or orange bead chain could be pretty cool! Anybody ever done it?

Try it. It sounds cool to me.

You can already buy it pretty cheap already the colors you mention and not have to paint them.


Skip! You guys “over there” are teaching me bad habits! I’ve got some unpainted 1/32 and 1/16 oz heads and powder paint ordered, just figured I might try the powder paint for some fly eyes too.

search this website. i believe this subject has already been covered


for the beads you could do it but you’d have to have plenty of wire hangers - only problem might be after you cure the powder on them pulling the hanging wire might chip them.

Bead Chain - I’m gonna have to think about that one, only way now would be one of the PP spray guns then how would you hang it to cure??


I would use thread to suspend the bead chain. Tie a slip knot, then cinch between the beads, and hang from there. After the curing process just snip off as close as you can. Any little tag will get covered when you lash the bead chain to the hook.

Not sure what process you’re using, but there are some powder coat products, you dip the jig in and hang in a hot oven to cure.

It may be easier to just buy them, but if you already have the stuff, why not do it yourself? It’s much cheaper at that point.

I have used the powder paint on some hour glass eyes, and they seem to turn out nice. I might have to try some bead chain now that you asked.

Bad habbits? We wouldn’t do that, LOL! Hey jump on it if you want and can’t hurt much to see if it will work, but I think it’s gonna be really hard to cure that paint without making the beed chain not flexable at all. Not sure how you keep it straight without messing up the paint either, but if you can find a way to keep that chain straight while it cures then it may work since you will cut them into 2’s, right?

Interesting, but sounds like it may be trouble.


Not quite on subject but I just dip beadchain into various colors of nail polish…hanging is no problem.

Hey it just came to me but what about that stuff you dip spinner blades in to color them? I suspect that silver ones you could just dip them in …I think Spike-It makes the stuff and you can get it in Chart and other colors as well.

Never tried this with bead chain, but don’t see why it wouldn’t work and a lot easier than powder paint.

You can also use powder paint on mono eyes to make the eyes black, red or any other color. Here’s a vid on a technique…


Wire! Yes! Okay, gonna have to try that now.

You can use nail polish, or you can use an epoxy type material with flakes of glitter. I use nail polish with glitter, than coat over that with Bug Bond.

I am not sure why paint the mono eyes when it’s so easy to just use a Sharpie. The bead chain thing may have some good applications, but he talks about still chipping, but if you can find a way to clip them by the link between and stick them in the oven to cure that paint it’s not gonna chip then. Possible find something really narrow or even some wire like he was using and hang them on something to put in the oven.


this might work
