Posting a request from Jack Hise

LF or JC,

Since Jack has moved to Tennessee he changed all his info in his profile and the program came back and told him with all the changes he would need to re-register which he has and is still waiting on his new password so he can get in the Chat and start posting in other areas.

Please get him his new password so he will leave me alone! :slight_smile: He is about to drive me crazy! :wink:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

it was done yesterday, and the email did not come back, hmmm?

Heck Warren, just take him fishing.

I talked to Leo today. He said that he will not be going up to the Fish-In in July because he and Grumpy (Ronnie from Cumberland Transit) are going the 2nd week in June. Party Poopers. Shucks, I even gave him permission to go twice this summer. Some people… :wink:


Warren, tell Jack that I got him a copy of Willow Creek and Other Stories by Bob Miller. (Since I know how much you have to be enjoying your role as emissary between Jack and the Internet…) Of course, you could just wait a day or two and let him read it for himself.
