Those little yellow pieces of paper help remind me of things I have to do. For instance, when I check my E-Mail and I see that there are several Post replies from the BB, I write down what the Posts are, then delete them and go to FAOL.
(That’s how I do it)
Being my own worst critic for most of my life, is not always a good thing. I have learned that I HAVE to make mistakes in order to learn.
It’s about being balanced. Don’t Flame (ranting is good therapy though)
This applies to me, Don’t bash yourself for making a mistake! Say your sorry and move on.
I am fascinated how difficult it is to communicate through the written word.
I decided to write down Do’s and Don’ts of what I need to watch out for on the BB.

  1. Hot button topics; I have my pet peeves and I don’t want to get mad replying to someone’s topic (raining on their parade)
  2. Flexible communication; If I don’t want to normally reply to someone’s topic, then I send a PM instead.
    One person was even flattered that I took the time send a PRIVATE message!
  3. Save the Jokes for when you get to know the person. I want to be sensitive to someone in another country also. GBF I have a feeling you will comment on this! :lol:
    Communicating with new people and people from different countries, reminds me of Jack Webb from the old TV show, “JUST THE FACTS MAAM!”
    It’s OK to be a little more friendly than Jack (Dragnet Police Show)
    Doug :smiley:

My motto Doug, and feel free to copy it.

If they lead with their chin , Hit them on their chin! hahahahaha :twisted:

Really though, You communicate quite well on here and because you do, it is fairly easy to get a handle on what your character is like. For that reason I like to take the occasional cheap shot at you,( and a few others ) all in fun of course. Rock on My man!
Loved your Hyjacking post by the way. 8 pages now and growing. People must like eggplant.

Doesn’t everyone? :shock:



Cary usually sticks a post it note on me, with a fake name and address, so that when I get lost out shopping, there’s little chance I’ll be returned!! :shock:

I WAS going to comment, but it had to do with kicking you and that’s not acceptable. :smiley:
The FIRST person to write down all 3,000 EGGPLANT recipes on Post IT notes get’s special recognition, from a panel or board or a Atta Boy from me.
Good Luck!
Doug P.S. Don’t even think about loading the PI notes into your printer! :oops: :smiley: