Since I’ve recently moved to the land of snow and ice (Minnesota), I haven’t had many opportunities to fish in January. But I was fortunate to get out once to a beautiful stream in the southern part of the state. But I’d love to see some more photos to keep me warm during this cool negative 8 deg day! Thanks!
Here are a couple from the Big Lost River two weeks ago.
I wish I could fly-fish. I’m sort of stuck just ice-fishing right now…
Couple bows (first one stocked, second appears wild) from a Shenandoah Valley limestoner. Easy 20-fish afternoon swinging a variety of streamers through riffles, runs and pools. The larger, likely wild fish taped at 28.5".
Wow, NICE 'bows!
what is it?
First pic: kreelex
Second pic: articulated purple egg-sucking leech. Now that I look at it, that could just as easily have been a Great Lakes steelhead!
From SE MN earlier this month …
You guys have all the fun. All I have is a barren river that runs upside down and backwards 11 months of the year. That is to say underground and away from the ocean. I did find some water flowing today at Helendale. Air temp 66 F. Jim
WOW! I may have to move to Virginia.
From the South Fork -
Another one from the South Fork -
One from Birch Creek -
And one from the Big Lost River -
For pics of some scenery and wildlife, and a few more fish, follow the link -
Made my first trip to the Horn last week. The weather warm was, but very windy, and the fishing was real good. This is a pic of the two browns that my buddies hooked at the same time. They were not too big but it was fun to net them both at the same time.
Jan 1, 2009. It was 71-degrees…eat yer hearts out!
It was -5 here today and everything’s iced up. The ice isn’t thick enough to go out on though. Even our local tailwater is cold with water temp at 37.
No fishing for another six to eight weeks. I’m going CRAZY.
San Diego’s Mission Bay. Yellowfin Croaker and Spotted Bay Bass
Come on by any time! For the rest of you, don’t freak out. The bank was plenty wet from this girl splashing around. One bank shot and she was released to fight again.
It’s nice to see everybody getting out. It was -28 celsius here the other day!!! No fishing for me:(
-19 c here Saturday morning.
No picture, but perhaps you can imagine it. It was the northern part of Michigan, Onaway exactly, I spent the night in a buddy’s camper shell of his pick up, Archery, mid January, snow-shoes, deep cedar swamp, his hound had puked on the floor during the night. No problem, not likely to thaw out anytime soon, outside temp was -19 F. Took my hangover out into the two foot deep swamp that morning looking after bob-cats with a bow and arrow. Carried a Baby Ruth candy bar in my snow coat pocket. Took a short break, unwrapped an end and jammed my most excellent teeth into at least a millimeter of the petryfied chunk. Frozed harder than your basement deep-freez. Stupid mistake on my part. Could have busted out a fair share if my choppers. Man that was froze solid. We never shot a cat once treed, but climbed up and shook him out. Only fair game runnung on the ground. I got a shot, hit the vermit and got the honor of carryng it (about fourty pounds) out of the swamp. I do have one picture of it leapping out of a cedar tree, snow flying all over. Will have to scare it up.
From Southern California, Puddingstone lake just a week ago. The water is cold and I was not there long so no fish to post but the morning as you can see here was wonderful.
What I like to think of as de-stressing type conditions, I am planning the next trip as we speek.
After reading some other post, I guess me saying the water was cold will invoke no simpathy from others. So it was cold to me but being born an raised is So. Cal what to I know, may be cold but I can still get in it and fish.