The rules went into effect as of 01/2011. About time they got more proactive in restoring these great fisheries. I understand their wanting to take the time to identify the problems first and then establish programs to help heal the fisheries. Glad that they have identified the causes too. Good on you PFBC!
we always used C&D for the last 30 or so years. this is only a show that they know what is wrong with the river. the river has been going down hill for the past 10 years, and all they could come up with is 85 degees temp in mid- summer. i seen the river turn white from sewer plants cleaning there tanks out. half a river was white, a half mile wide river. i did turn it in to D E R they told me that they didn’t find anything wrong. three times i tryed this past year one evening i looked up river, gee the river turn turn white i call DER when i got out of river you guess it didn’t find any thing wrong. flyman 3
Oh boy! Don’t let the hardware fisherman from a state west of you hear about this. Thet are fit to be tied since a few more miles of ‘their’ rivers were recently designated C&R. ‘Bad science’ is their cry. They claim just as many fish die from flies as they do worms and spinners.
The only problem with the new regs is enlightenment and enforcement. This is a massive amount of two rivers to patrol. There isn’t a chance in you-know-what that the WCO’s can handle much more than a few cursory visits to boat launches.
As far as letting the public know, I can’t begin to tell you how many fishermen I encountered on the river that had no idea that where we were fishing, already had restricted harvest regulations due to the Big Bass Program. Signage helps but there are tons of access points to place signs and of course there are the morons who rip them down as if by doing so they can plead ignorance. Fortunately I’ve seen very little harvest regardless.
It’s a good step that may help a little although I believe the problem will take a long time to correct itself. Unfortunately the best thing for the river is the least popular or convenient, a voluntary bass fishing moratorium. Mine began in 2008.
A huge amount of water it is indeed. The local W.C.O. says they are counting on guys like me and you to report anything we see. I will without hesitation. Personally I would like to see at least all bass tournaments completely suspended until further notice. I am not knocking folks that fish bait or lures as I do it some myself but the tournaments are hard on the fish even if they are catch - immediate weigh - immediate release. I thought perhaps add a barb-less hook or circle hook reg should have been done too at least for the tournaments. Anyone that has been injured by a bass tail walking and throwing that top water plug at you knows the wisdom of mashing down those barbs.